Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 25, 2014


I overslept because I got to bed so late last night. I did not go walking, but went to Kim's studio instead. I was there from 9:30-3:45. I left a "to-do" list for the  3 youngest boys, some chores and schoolwork. Tom dropped them off at gym class and he visited Grandma Helen. 

I think I'd been to Kim's studio once since TJ and Ang moved back. When I walked in I was amazed at all that was going on there, and all the color. There was a project on 3 looms and 2 warping boards. It was exciting. Kim's friend Christina came over to weave too, and also Angelica.

Ed, Ben, and Nina left early this morning to play at Blue Heaven from 10 am to 2. They stayed all day in Key West. They played a second gig at Sunset Pier from 5-7 PM.

At 3:45 I went to Tai Chi. Then went home and got my shopping list. I decided to make strawberry shortcake for Kevin's pickin' party tonight. I went to Winn Dixie and got my groceries. I got a sub for me and two desserts, a single serving of coconut cream pie and a small chocolate cherry cake. I went shopping hungry with not enough time to make something for supper. 

Came home and out the cold ad frozen things away. Garrett on down all went to the park, Bob, Shannon, Ailsa, and some other friends too. I cleaned and chopped 6 qts of strawberries. They didn't taste that good so I had to add a little sugar. Then I tripled a recipe for vegan shortcake. I got that in the oven, ordered 6 pizzas for the kids, and washed a few dishes.

Joe returned from somewhere with JC. They picked up the pizzas for me. At 9, Tom, Charlie, and I left for Kevin's party. We picked up TJ and Ang, but left Tom to babysit. Ed and crew stopped at Kevin's on their way home. Joe and JC went over too.

I love Kevin's parties. We used to stay overnight in our RV in his driveway. Good memories. :0) Too bad we were all tired. We didn't stay too long. Charlie enjoyed playing the game swinging the ring on a string to catch on a hook in the wall. He didn't want to leave. 

Got home and went straight to bed.

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