Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014


I set my alarm again and got up nice and early. I went walking a little after 8. I ran 2 1/2 times around the park today. 

I made oatmeal for Tommy and I and had to make Tommy eat it. He doesn't like oatmeal. He doesn't like bananas. Grrrrr. I put blueberries in it. We did chores, but Ben. Kurt, and Ed had already left for the studio. The dishes belonged to one of them so they didn't get done till about 5 o'clock by Ben. There was a ton and he couldn't finish because he jad to leave for youth group. I bet you can guess who got stuck with them.

Anyways, I had to fight off the grumpies because the kids took so long with everything. We didn't start school till close to one. That makes me mad. I had been up for 6 hours before we started school. 

TJ dropped the grandkids off. I made Mac and cheese with the leftover vegan cheese I made and it was very good. The kids all liked it. 

TJ and Ang played at Blue Heaven. Tom and I were going to go with them, but when it was time to leave, there was too much stuff to move in Ed's van, so Tom and I stayed home with Jake and Callie. Tom eventually left to Key West to meet with someone.

The older kids went to youth group. Garrett and Charlie went to Shannon's house. Rob stopped in. He took Jake to the park, but Callie fell asleep just as we were about to leave, so just Rob and Jake went. I fed Rob leftover teriyaki chickpeas, quinoa, and was making a salad when it was time for him to head home.

I did the ton of dishes. Then the big kids came home and made more dirty dishes. Argh!!!!

AND...I wanted to go to bed at 11. It's now 12:43 am. :0(

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