Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8, 2014


Jake slept all night but Callie was up crying. She finally decided she liked her bed better and went back to her bed and slept the rest of the night. I decided not to walk, as I might be needed at home. The band had to leave at 11 for Sunset Pier.

Today was busy and hot, 85 in the house. We were out of bread so I made bread today. I folded at least 6 loads of wash, all of it, done. I also changed the bedding in Nina's room for my parents, who arrived about 6:00. They are visiting a few days and Nina graciously gave up her room. 

I needed to go to Winn Dixie for fruit. We have none. But Rob stopped in for a visit so I visited instead. I worked at folding and putting Doerfel t-shirts in bags to keep them clean. I also labeled the bags to make finding the right size easier. 

Callie had fun washing dishes twice today, and Jake helped me roll out the bread dough. They were fun.

The band stopped to pick us up for the 2nd gig. We were a few minutes from home when Tom got a call from Sunset Grill in Marathon. There was a schedule mix-up and they thought we were playing there. We were on our way to Knights Key Campground, which is almost next door to Sunset Grill. We checked Tom's messages and looked for emails but couldn't find anything booking us there for that day. 

We used to live at Knights Key, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, so it was fun being there. People remembered us. I invited two young men to sit with us at our table. They had food in their hands and all the tables were full. They were from Denmark. As the night went on we talked more and it was fun chatting with them. My friend Dahlia also came with her daughter and kept me company. Jake and Callie were good. Garrett, Tommy, and even Tom helped to watch them. Someone put off fireworks, which made the night even more fun. 

At the end of the night I found out some troubling news. The owner of Sunset Grill had come over to Knights Key with two thugs and almost got in a fight with Tom. Tonight they had a 4 year anniversary party and that's what they wanted us to play for. The fireworks were from their party. He was mad that we were playing at Knights Key instead of his place.

When we got home my parents were there. Jake and Callie fell asleep on the ride and were put to bed. Tom and I went in the hot tub. I changed Garrett's bandage and it was the first time that i didn't have to stuff him with gauze. the hole is so small now that i don't have to. YAY!! I visited with my folks just a tiny bit and hit the sack. 

We hope to see our Denmark friends at Schooner Wharf tomorrow night. 

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