Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 10, 2014


Callie woke me up early. She came in bed with me. When she was asleep I moved to her mattress on the floor but couldn't fall back asleep. I finally got up and got ready for my walk. I ran 3 times around the park again. I can't believe I'm doing it.

I hung out with mom and dad in the kitchen. I baked a cake for Shannon's birthday tonight. I watered some plants. Tom, Joe, Ben, Tommy, and Charlie went out on their friend JC's boat. 

At three, my parent's, Garrett, Jake, Callie, and I went to Key West for Garrett's dr. appt. I don't have to stuff him anymore! The hole has healed shut.  The next stop was Hogfish for a late lunch. Jake and Callie were very good and we had a great meal. I also saw Bulmar, who I hadn't seen in a very long time. He works at the Hogfish.

Since the gas tank was on E, we stopped for gas, then headed home. I was late for, but was going to go anyways, to Bible study. Then I decided against that. I had to get ready for the birthday party.  

I made a salad , chick pea chicken less salad. and frosted the cake. The kids had all gone to hockey but they came back and ate. Then we sang "Happy birthday." I was so tired. So many dishes. 

TJ and Ang got home!! Rob had brought al the newton kids up. Bobby came over. We had a nice party for Shannon.

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