Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 3, 2014


I forgot to write yesterday, that Callie was coloring all the shoes in her coloring book. She's got a thing for shoes.

Back to today...

I overslept but still went walking. It was hot. I have to get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier and be back by 9 o'clock. 

We did a full day of school. Charlie went with Tom for a bike ride to the bank. They went to Kim's house and back. That's a 6 mile bike ride for an 8 year old. Go Charlie! When he got back his friends across the street invited him over. They are moving to Virginia. Sad. But, Kim's husband's sister is buying the house so we will be neighbors. 

No Sloppy's on Mondays in February. Our days got switched around. I wanted to get some laundry folded today but that didn't happen. I went to the women's Bible study at church. Angelica went too. 

Afterwards I took Angelica home. As I was sitting down in Tom's car, I felt something on my leg. I opened the door and jumped out. It was a cockroach!!!! Iiiiiiick!!! Heebie jeebies!!! I got the giant bug off me and onto the parking lot. But I had to get back in the car, unless we were going to walk home.

Then when we turned into Eden Pines a cute little deer ran in front of me. As I approached the next intersection a crazy driver pulled into the middle of the intersection and stopped, blocking the road. So I had to stop. Then they took off turning straight towards me and drove past me on the right side, off the road. After dropping her off I was paranoid the whole drive home.

Rob was here when I got home. The boys had played hockey. I had some leftover pizza that I added some more vegan cheese to. We also had some leftover vegetable lasagna, and I made a giant salad. Rob's niece just moved here and she was over too. All the kids but Charlie went to church to play laser tag. Tom, Rob, Charlie, Jonathan, and I stayed home and watched hockey. I stayed up too late doing the dishes. I got to bed at 1 am.

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