Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014


I went to bed trying to get 8 hours of sleep, but Tom woke me up at 6 to take me out for a surprise breakfast. It took me a while to not be mad and crabby at him for waking me up.  I did not want to get up at 6.

So we went out for breakfast. Then tried to mail Carol's Christmas present but the post office wasn't open yet. We went back home. I woke up Charlie and got him ready to get picked up to go to his fiddle lesson.  I went for my walk and Tom went to clean at church. When I got back I made  biscuits and sausage gravy, a tradition that we have every time we are with my mom and dad. 

I went down to the hot tub. My mom and dad left to go back home. Then we had to get ready to go to Sloppy Joes. Tom left a little earlier than us to go to the hospital to take care of Garrett's hospital bills. 

Key West was busy. The kids had a great show. On the way home we picked up a fridge for Angelica for a Valentine present. I was so hungry, not having had dinner, and ate some chocolate that a super fan gave us tonight. Charlie and Jake were going bonkers in the van while Tom and the boys were loading the fridge. I almost went bonkers.  I did see this really neat porch railing while picking up the fridge.

We stopped at TJ's and dropped off the fridge, then went home.

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