Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

This morning I walked and ate my oatmeal. Then I went to Winn Dixie and bought milk and strawberries. Oh, and cookies. I needed them.

I came home and ate cookies and drank coffee. I tried to do some bookkeeping, but my computer would not let me enter any debits. That made me super grumpy and mad. I hate bookkeeping!!!! How did I get this job?!  I finally gave up.

TJ brought Jake and Callie over and we went to gym class.

When we got home, I didn't want to go to my Tai Chi class, so I didn't. Angelica was feeling pretty bad today, so Ed and Nina went with TJ to play at Springer's. Tom and I had the grandkids. We walked over to Spinger's. Kim played the first set, then Nina took Kim's spot and Kim went home. A fan gave Ed and Nina some nice Saber's hats.

Tom took the young kids and a few big ones to the park and played hockey. I stayed at the gig for a while, the came home and made a pitiful attempt at playing guitar.

The kids came back from the park and ordered pizza. I watched Cinderella with Callie, till TJ, Ed, and Nina came back from the gig. Then we went to bed.

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