Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014


I still can't shake my yucky feeling. I walked this morning. I have no desire to run. When I got home, Tom and I went to a secret beach. We stayed about 2 hours. We came home about 1 o'clock and I showered. 

I forced myself to do school. On one hand I want to, and on the other, Garrett and Tommy are making me mad. I sat at the table waiting for at least a half hour for Garrett to get out of the bathroom. Everyone was so busy today that I got stuck with dishes. Most of the time I don't care, but right now I am sick of dishes. 

TJ dropped the kids off. He helped me with Quicken on my computer and it worked. All we did was turn it on. The last two days Quicken wouldn't work. Grrrrr. So, I got the bank statements finished, all reconciled. There's 3 credit cards, one has 9 statements reconciled. The others, nothing is entered.

I tried to print out 3 credit card statements and the printer chops of some. Grrr. Everywhere I turn with bookkeeping is all roadblocks. I hate it.

So of course there was no supper. I can't do school, bookkeeping, and make supper. I made a salad but didn't eat any.

Tommy had a guitar lesson. Bobby picked up Charlie. All the bigger kids spent the whole day at church getting ready for youth group (OMY).

Angelica stopped and picked up the kids. I read a little, then entered another statement onto the computer.

I must go to bed. I'm making Garrett and Tommy go to bed at 11 now. Me too, but it's 11:35 now so I must go so I can get up at 7.

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