Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 1, 2014


I woke up feeling discouraged and wasn't going to go to the baptism at Bahia Honda State Park. The house was a mess and the laundry was backed up. But I decided to go. The house will be a mess again and the laundry will back up again. It was a gorgeous day and I knew some time off would do me good. I took Garrett, his friend Jonathan, Tommy, and Charlie. 

I had some time to myself on the beach. Charlie ended up going kayaking with friends. I felt good when we finally went home. I started cleaning at the door, picking up, moving furniture, and sweeping. I got a few more loads of laundry done and Garrett helped me fold. We didn't get it done  but every little bit helps. I was able to change Charlie's bedding. I went grocery shopping

In the evening we went to the Hurricane. I ate before we left, homemade baked beans and a salad. I wasn't hungry but I ate two pieces of pizza anyways. :( I knitted on my sock but decided to give it up and do something else. 

TJ left the gig early about 11:30 pm The younger boys and I went with him. I was so tired. 

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