Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16, 2014

I woke up early, fed a few people and cleaned up some dishes. I packed salad and apples to go to Stacey's gig with her.

They sold out in front of St. Paul's church on Duval Street and played for tips. They did great. Then we walked Duval to watch Nina's band at Sunset Pier, where we ate. Next we went to Geiger Key. I took Stacey and her crew for a walk down the beach to see the sick and stone house that a guy used to live in on the beach. 

After that we were all pretty beat. We went back o our house. The kids ate and watched "Dispicable Me." I folded laundry.After Stacey's little ones were in bed, Stacey and I walked to Bistro 31. We came home, went in the hot tub, and then to bed.

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