Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014

We went to church. Nina played her gig at Sunset Pier. After church, Mo came up and showed Kim, Ang, and I how to do a kind of embroidery. I think it's from Spain. It was fun, but now that's all I want to do. 

Kim peeled potatoes and I made a huge pan of Sheperd's Pie with Thanksgiving leftovers. Yum! Ben slept all day. Tommy went to church but then came home and slept all day. Charlie also got sick today. They have sore throats, fevers, and coughs. I think Tom and Garrett are getting it now too. 

After everyone left, I did dishes, then embroidered and worked on the puzzle. Tom and I went to church and then the boys played hockey. I warmed up leftover Sheperd's Pie and sweet potatoes for supper and did a little more embroidery. I had Garrett take the puzzle apart because there was no more time to finish it. We need the table for school tomorrow.

November 29, 2014


I went walking this morning. Still running two times around the park. 

I had a weird day. I worked on the puzzle and ran errands, just in Big Pine. At 4:30 I left with Tommy and Charlie and went to Rob's to help decorate his tree. The band also went there, in between their two gigs. TJ's family joined us too. Ian was sick, and Tommy was getting it. Ben had it too but somehow made it thru both gigs.

I planned on going to Schooner Wharf but ended up watching kids at Rob's house, which was fine with me because  I was feeling very lazy.

TJ left the gig early and brought me Tom's car. I left with Ian, Ariel, Tommy, and Charlie and headed home. When we got home Garrett carried Ariel up the stairs for me. 

Tired, tired, tired. Did I mention I was tired?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 28, 2014


TJ, Ed, and Nina played at Blue Heaven this morning. I told everyone that I was taking the day off and I did. I stayed home and worked at the puzzle half of the day with Ben.  The band went to Schooner Wharf and I rode in with TJ two hours later. It was chilly and I wore my cowboy boots. :0)

Tom hasn't had a chance to look at the clothes dryer. I've washed a load every other day for a week and hung it out on the hammock. It is backed up. I told Tom to go to Sears and buy me a new one but he won't. 

TJ and I left the gig a little early. I am so tired at the end of the day and get to bed much too late.

November 27, 2014


My day went smoother than anticipated. I did the most important things first. Cooked one turkey when I first got up, then the other when the first one came out. Boys helped peel potatoes and get the house in order. They moved furniture and set up tables. Joe even set the tables.

It was all of us except Kim and Doug, all the Newton kids, Uncle Jack and Anglieca's brother Robert, Rob and Anastasia, and some of Kurt's friends.

Angelica helped with food. Nina did dishes afterwards and we started a puzzle. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

November 26, 2014


I got up and made my pies for tomorrow. We did some schoolwork, then the boys went to help at church. I did a little cleaning and made a ton of candied sweet potatoes for Night of Thanks at our church. 

We went over to the church at 3:30. There were already a lot of people there. They had two seatings and fed over 600 people. The kids played in the worship band for a half hour concert for each seating. It was a fun evening. 

I was so tired afterwards. The kids had friends over and they were sooo loud. We had to put am extra blanket on the bed because it was cold, and I woke up sweating, then cold, then sweating. The wind kept making our bedroom door move just enough to make it sound like someone was coming in, all night long. And Tom got a text message at 4 AM. I slept horrible.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2013


I woke up to a text from TJ. He needede to wake up Joe and Tommy to go to blue Heaven with him and Angelica. I went walking, then did school with Garrett till 5:00 pm. We did a grammar test, a history test, a history lesson, and an Algebra lesson. Tom went kayaking with Uncle Jack, Robert, Charlie, Jake, and Callie.

When Garrett and I were done with school I started supper prep. The boys all went to the park to play hockey. Bobny ce over and played some video ges after going to the park. I made rice and bean tacos, a salad, and set out grapes.  At 7:30 I went to Winn Dixie for a few Thanksgiving things. Then came home to assemble the tacos. 

Everyone ate and watched hockey. I assigned kitchen chores, read to Tommy and Charlie, and hit the sack. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014


I slept till 9:30 this morning. Tom felt like talking half the night. :0/ All the kids (except Charlie) went to
Church to help set up for Night of Thanks. That left Charlie as my only student. The dryer broke. It's running but not heating up, so I took the clothes and hung them all over the hammock on the porch. It was so humid that they didn't dry all the way. I put them in the dryer again before we left for Sloppy's. Maybe the air will finish drying them. 

I was able to cut out another baby dress and sewed the tucks in the skirt. Then we left for Sloppy's. Angelica came with her family. They went to Mallory Square, and then came over for one set. Then they went out to eat.

It was a long night. I should go vedge at the beach or Ida's pool soon. I'm also trying to plan out Thanksgiving dinner for about 20 people. 

Pic of the school table today.

November 23, 2014


We went to church. Afterwards, Kim, Stevie, Angelica, kids, and her Uncle Jack, and brother, Robert, came over. We had a relaxing afternoon. I worked on my embroidery. 

In the evening, Tom and I went to church.  A band that the kids like was playing at Boondocks so we went on a date. Most of the kids were there with friends but we didn't sit with them.

Read to Charlie.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 22, 2014


I went walking. It was gray and a little rainy. I ran my two times around the park. Still a big accomplishment for me. I  aiming to keep increasing it. I went out only two times this past week because the weather was bad and because I'm lazy. :0(  The band went to their gig at Sunset Pier, Garrett and Tommy went to the carwash at church, and Charlie and I went to Kim's studio.

I wove for two hours. Things are looking good but the pics I took don't look like anything special. Charlie and I went home for lunch, and then I did Algebra with Garrett. Around 5 o'clock I went back to the studio and wove some more. I gave the dress I made for Callie to Kim so she could take it over to Angelica's. 

My biggest challenge today was figuring out what was for supper. While weaving, I decided to make Buffalo Cauliflower. On the drive home I stopped at Winn Dixie. I didn't have much time, so I bought frozen cauliflower, so I wouldn't have to cut up tons of cauliflower. It didn't work with the frozen cauliflower. It was kind of mushy, but it was better than not eating. We had grapes, carrots, and a salad too. 

The boys had played hockey before supper and we ate about 9:30. They have been playing rough and people keep getting hurt every game. Dummies. :0/

After supper I gave a few kids chores and started the embroidery on the next baby dress. I want it done ASAP. 

I read to Charlie and Tommy and went to bed (about 1:30 AM).

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 21, 2014


We struggled thru some of our schoolwork. I feel like my feet are dragging in heavy mud. I am always behind. There's too much to do. I can't get things done that need to get done. Things are cluttered. I am overwhelmed.

Food. I just don't want to cook right now, or shop, or put it away, or make a list. Most of the time I feel guilty for spending so much money. I make supper and then a few kids eat peanut butter and jelly because they don't want to eat what I made. It is hard to make sure everyone is eating their veggies when there's not room for us all to sit around the table.

But I'm complaining. I need to be thankful. I need to stop thinking about what's wrong, and think about what's right. 

TJ, Ang, and Nina played at Blue Heaven this morning. Ed went to Key West later in the day and joined them for their second gig, a wedding rehearsal dinner. 

It was another rainy day, by the way.

I went grocery shopping and made supper: hippie loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and asparagus. Tommy and Garrett did dishes. I read to Charlie and went to bed 

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 20, 2014


Today was another rainy, gray, gloomy day, and that's how my day went. I had planned on weaving with Kim in the evening, but today was Doug's birthday, so they were spending the evening at home. The boys weren't ready for school on time, so I decided to go to Kim's studio this morning instead.

All I did was make mistakes, getting lost in my pattern, unweaving, and then I couldn't figure out where I was to start weaving again. Then the thread got tangled on my bobbin and I had to unwind it and wind it onto another bobbin. I finally gave up and went home. 

I knew I wouldn't feel like doing school once I got home. We did some but my heart wasn't in it. I was also dreading supper and had no idea what to make. The boys needed Garrett and Tommy's help to set up for youth group too, and I forgot about Tommy's guitar lesson.

The boys played hockey early today so they could be done in time for youth group. They had to squeeze in one last game while their friend Ethan was here. Angelica's Uncle Jack and brother, Robert, went to the park too. Ben cracked his jaw on Tom's head and they both got hurt. Ben chipped a tooth. Too many injuries lately.

After the boys went to youth group I pulled out my sewing machine and made buttonholes on four dresses and sewed the buttons on too. Then I spent some time designing the embroidery for the next dress. I just want to get to the embroidery part. 

I never did get to supper. I felt bad. I knew the younger boys were hungry and the big kids had gone out for Chinese after youth group. I just didn't know what to make, and didn't want to make anything anyways, but still felt guilty. I was just going to bed hungry, after folding some laundry, when Ed came home and gave me his leftovers. Joe shared some leftovers with the younger boys too.

I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014


It was too cold to walk this morning, and I slept till almost 9, so it was a little late. I spent a little extra time reading because Garrett and Tommy were two hours late to school. 

I had to put socks on today. My feet were cold. We left for Schooner Wharf at 5. I wore jeans, cowboy boots, and my jean jacket. I thought I would be cold but was comfortable. I knitted and read. Angelica's brother and Uncle Jack arrived last night and they all came to the gig with the kids. 

This morning TJ drove Ethan to the mainland (3 1/2 hours) for his flight to Buffalo, which was cancelled. Ed has to take him back tomorrow, and we are all wondering if that flight will be cancelled too.

Garrett and Tommy stayed home tonight. There school work better be done. 

Here's an interesting bit of Doerfel trivia. The boys tell on each other all the time. When I was growing up my brothers and I had each other's backs and would cover for one another, but my kids don't do that. Hmmm...

November 18, 2014


Tom went with TJ and Ang to Blue Heaven today. I stayed home and did school. I've got to figure something out with Garrett and Tommy. They have no sense of urgency and are wasting time. There is no time to waste and it's making me mad. 

Charlie had a fiddle lesson and Nina took him for me. She practiced with her siblings. I think Aaron is playing drums and Ian learning the bass. I took Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Aaron, and Ariel to gym class.  When we got home I tried getting back to our school work but had nothing left in me.

I did laundry and roamed around seeing all that needed to be done and not wanting to do any of it. Finally, I figured out what was for supper and went to Winn Dixie .

A cold front came in today. While the Buffalo area was getting blasted with snow, we closed windows and shivered to 63 degrees. The boys played hockey while I made supper. We ate at 9:30, read to Charlie, and got to bed too close to midnight.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014


I went walking today. It warmed up a little here and it was a hot walk. I'm still running two times around the park. I asked Tom to turn the air back on so I could have a pleasant school day. 

I woke up Garrett and Tommy and we started school an hour late, but I needed the extra hour this morning for me. I started dictation with Charlie instead of spelling. I'm pulling out sentences from the books we read. We started "Sounder" on Friday. 

At 2:30 I made a juice drink with kale, apples, and oranges. That was my lunch and supper.  Then we climbed into the new van and went to Sloppy Joes. 

Sloppy's was busy and the evening went by fast. There were a lot of friendly, kind people tonight. I enjoyed talking with them.

We had to stop at Winn Dixie on the way home just before they closed for almond milk and toothpaste. I hate that. I just wanted to go home. 

Here's the weather today for Big Pine and Springville.

November 16, 2014


Tom and I got up at 7:30 to go to the 8:00 service at church because we needed to drive to Miami to get our new van. Hopefully there will be no more problems with it.

 We met the man who sold it to us at the Dolphin Mall, at Cheesecake Factory. That's the only way Tom could get me to go, otherwise I would not have gone. My favorite food there is the spicy chipotle pasta and chicken, and plain cheesecake. The parking lot was crazy full, with people searching for parking spaces and grumpy mean. Anyways, we had a relaxing ride, a delicious meal, and we've got the new van. I'll have to take a pic of it tomorrow. I forgot. 

We got home in time to go to church and then home again. I did some picking up when we got home, read to Tommy and Charlie, and went to bed.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 2013


Tom and I rode bikes to Big Pine Restaurant for breakfast, then I rode over to Kim's studio. We worked for a while, then I rode home. 

I got Tommy and Charlie and drove back to Kim's. They played with Stevie and argued a lot. Kim and I goty project wound onto the back beam. Then she went home and we went home. 

After a little while I went back to Kim's with just Tommy. I finally started weaving on my dish towels. So exciting. So pretty! This is the yarn we dyed.

At 8 PM we left. Had to stop at Winn Dixie for grapes and lettuce. Came home. Made Pad Thai and pulled out some leftovers. The boys played hockey but went to a friend's house afterwards so they didn't eat supper. 

Garrett's trying to get himself grounded. He keeps going places and not telling anyone where he is.

TJ gave a banjo lesson from our house. Jake and Callie played with Ian and Ariel, and Violet fell asleep on Ben. 

November 14, 2014


Tommy went with TJ and Ang to watch Violet at Blue Heaven. I planned on school with Garrett and Charlie but they were wiped out from the last few days, and especially last night. Charlie slept till 2 PM and we made Garrett get up at 4 PM. I did bookkeeping for hours instead. 

Went in the hot tub with Tom, then we went to our gig at Tarpon Creek. Tom backed into our neighbor's truck with our trailer before we left. :0(

Had a relaxing evening at the gig.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014


No walking today. I did yesterday's dishes first thing. Then washed the kitchen floor. (The third time in four years-don't tell anyone).

All the kids but Tommy and Charlie went to church to work on the video shoot prep. I did school with Charlie and Tommy worked on his own.

Charlie and I had a picnic on the hammock chair downstairs. We read 2 chapters of "Little House on the Prairie." We started the book "Sounder" too. 

The laundry never got folded last week so today I started. Then I went over to church with Tom to watch the video shoot/concert. It was fun. I was pleasantly surprised to see some friends there: Ida and Byron, Randy and Mikki, Kelly and Gale, Mo, and Rich.  Thanks for coming!! 

I ordered 8 pizzas afterward and Tom took them to the church. The boys have to take everything down and put the sanctuary and stage back together. I went home and folded and folded and folded laundry and put it away. Poor me, right? :0)

November 12, 2014


I woke up early and went walking. I ran two times around the park. Woo hoo! It's such a big accomplishment. (I strongly dislike running. I am doing it for my heart). 

I did school with Tommy and Charlie. Garrett ran the lights for the boys' dress rehearsal at church. I made vegan shepherd's pie and then went to church. 

After church I took the grand kids and Tommy and Charlie to TJ's and watched them so TJ and Angelica could go to the young adult group.

I came home to a very messy kitchen.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 11, 2014


TJ picked me up at 8 AM. We went to his house and I helped get kids dressed, then I followed them to Connie's house. We dropped off Callie there, and went on to Blue Heaven with Jake and Violet.

It was a nice morning at Blue Heaven. Afterwards, we stopped at the quilt shop in Key West. We haven't been there in atleast 4 years. I bought two Kaffe Fasset books.

Next, we dropped TJ off for a radio show that was going to be recorded and aired tomorrow. The band met him there and we went home. I rested for an hour, then went grocery shopping. That took another hour. Garrett was home and helped to carry groceries up the stairs, and I started supper.

Earlier today, Tom took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. Also, gym class was cancelled due to Veteran's Day, so I didn't need to find a ride for the boys to Marathon.

I made coconut black beans, rice, salad, and put out $15 worth of grapes. (They ate them all). The boys played hockey and ended up having a few fights. It's hockey. :0/

They came home, ate, and watched hockey. I finished reading a book that I started a few days ago. I've been reading at our gigs, and driving to gigs. It was called "The Brainy Bunch." Not sure how I feel about it yet. It didn't really tell me what I wanted to know but I learned about three things. 

I assigned boys to chores, read to Charlie, and went to bed.

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014


I overslept this morning. Didn't wake up till 9. Oops! The band left at 10 to rehearse for Thursday's video shoot/concert. They took Garrett with them to run the lights, so I did school with Tommy and Charlie. I went over 3 math lessons with Tommy. I wish they were self-motivated. 

We left for Sloppy's almost a half hour late. Garrett went to work at Rob's house. Sloppy's was very busy, but the night dragged on for me. A lot of people, a lot of noise. I need to refuel with some alone time. I'd love to sit on a screened-in porch by the ocean and spin at my spinning wheel. You know, unwind. :0)

Here's a pic of my coverlet finished, and a pic that Kurt took.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014


I went with Charlie to Kim's studio for about and hour and a half. Then we went home and got ready for Charlie's fiddle recital. Tommy wanted to go with us. We drove up to Marathon. I had some quiet time before the recital and read in the car. 

The recital was fun. We hurried home afterward so I could squeeze in an hour at the studio and then got to TJ's to babysit. I made the kids spaghetti and TJ and Angelica got home early. When I got home the band hadn't left yet, so I was able to ride with them to the Hurricane. I stayed till almost midnight and brought Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel home.


I hurried again to Winn Dixie to get a few ingredients for Ben's pumpkin dessert for his birthday party.  Came home and made it before going to church. Ariel helped me.

After church, Ben and Ed whipped around the house cleaning because it was such a mess and Ben had invited friends over. Kim and Stevie came over, and Angelica and the kids too. TJ joined us when he was done at church. It was a fun afternoon. Nina even had the afternoon off. That hardly ever happens.

I did dishes and spent a half hour spinning at my spinning wheel. Then we were off to our gig at Schooner Wharf. Tommy stayed home because he had to work. It rained towards the end but we had a nice crowd that stayed. I left an hour early with TJ and Charlie.

Friday, November 7, 2014

November 6, 2014


I went walking and ran two times around the park. Woo hoo!! The big kids worked at church all day on lights and I think a dress rehearsal for the upcoming video shoot/concert. The younger ones and I did school. I also got stuck doing paper work for Tom. I strongly dislike it! And it takes away school time.

We have had the windows open a couple weeks and the no-see-ums are eating us alive. So itchy!! I planned on working at the studio but Doug took the night off so Kim stayed home. I went to Winn Dixie, then made supper: baked beans with cornbread on top. The cornbread was loaded with onions, corn, jalapeƱos, peppers, and kale. I put out grapes and made a salad. While I waited for the boys to get back from the park I cut out the pinafore for Callie's dress and started sewing. 

I did the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, and went to bed.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 5, 2014


I was all dressed to go walking when I got a text from TJ. He wondered if I was going to Winn dixie this morning. I knew what he wanted. French vanilla coffee creamer. We were out of bread, so I told him I could go get it for him and then go walking. So I went to the store, dropped of his creamer, and went home. It all took longer than I thought though, and there wasn't time to walk. 

I made pancakes and Tommy, Garrett, and I took turns reading aloud while the others ate and cooked the pancakes. We are close to finishing "Till We Have Faces." I so need more time in a day, and at the same time, I hate hurrying through the day, trying to get things done. There's no time to enjoy what we're doing when I'm hurrying the boys along.

We did school till about 4. I made some food for Kim and I, then took it to Kim's studio. I brought Charlie to play with Stevie. I was able to thread the Reed. The next time I go I will thread the heddles.

We went to church in the evening. Then after church I took TJ and Ang's kids to their house and watched them there. Tom showed up a while later with popcorn. Yum! When TJ and Ang came home Ang had a terrible migraine and was so sick. :0( We are trying to find a doctor for her.

When we got home Garrett hadn't done his math. He is such a bum sometimes. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 4, 2014


I went with TJ and Angelica to their gig at Blue Heaven to babysit Violet. It was a cool, breezy day and Violet was good. We left at 8:30 AM. They played 10-2 and we made it home a little after 3. 

I thought I had some free time, but as I was figuring out what to do next, things went sour. Tom was working on the Habitat application and I went to the IRS website to order copies of our taxes. We were supposed to be able to download them and then print them, but that didn't work. We ordered the 2013 one and it will take 5-10 business days. The 2012 one had a cute little star next to it. Grrrr. We couldn't order it. That little asterisk sent us somewhere else, which said we never filed in 2012. Grrrr!!!! We did! We electronically filed at the accountants and had a receipt.

So that's what I spent my free time doing. I couldn't shake that bad feeling the rest of the night.

TJ picked up my produce for me and dropped it off. The boys went to hockey. I heated up leftover soup, cut up two watermelon that cost $9 a piece, and made a salad. I ordered 4 pizzas and some wings. I made everyone eat soup before they could have pizza.

I left the dirty dishes and went to bed. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014


I woke up nice and early but didn't go walking. Maybe tomorrow. Nope. I'm watching Violet at Blue Heaven. Anyways, I made oatmeal for Ed and I, then woke up 3 boys for school. Ed and Ben went to church to program lights for our video/show coming up. 

I flipped my yarn that was hanging on the porch drying. I had ordered a bunch of maternity patterns for Kim and they came today.

We left for Sloppy's at 3:30. I read most of the way there. Sloppy's was fun tonight. I was surprised there were so many people in Key West today.