Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014


I went with Charlie to Kim's studio for about and hour and a half. Then we went home and got ready for Charlie's fiddle recital. Tommy wanted to go with us. We drove up to Marathon. I had some quiet time before the recital and read in the car. 

The recital was fun. We hurried home afterward so I could squeeze in an hour at the studio and then got to TJ's to babysit. I made the kids spaghetti and TJ and Angelica got home early. When I got home the band hadn't left yet, so I was able to ride with them to the Hurricane. I stayed till almost midnight and brought Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel home.


I hurried again to Winn Dixie to get a few ingredients for Ben's pumpkin dessert for his birthday party.  Came home and made it before going to church. Ariel helped me.

After church, Ben and Ed whipped around the house cleaning because it was such a mess and Ben had invited friends over. Kim and Stevie came over, and Angelica and the kids too. TJ joined us when he was done at church. It was a fun afternoon. Nina even had the afternoon off. That hardly ever happens.

I did dishes and spent a half hour spinning at my spinning wheel. Then we were off to our gig at Schooner Wharf. Tommy stayed home because he had to work. It rained towards the end but we had a nice crowd that stayed. I left an hour early with TJ and Charlie.

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