Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014


I slept till 9:30 this morning. Tom felt like talking half the night. :0/ All the kids (except Charlie) went to
Church to help set up for Night of Thanks. That left Charlie as my only student. The dryer broke. It's running but not heating up, so I took the clothes and hung them all over the hammock on the porch. It was so humid that they didn't dry all the way. I put them in the dryer again before we left for Sloppy's. Maybe the air will finish drying them. 

I was able to cut out another baby dress and sewed the tucks in the skirt. Then we left for Sloppy's. Angelica came with her family. They went to Mallory Square, and then came over for one set. Then they went out to eat.

It was a long night. I should go vedge at the beach or Ida's pool soon. I'm also trying to plan out Thanksgiving dinner for about 20 people. 

Pic of the school table today.

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