Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 29, 2014


I went walking this morning. Still running two times around the park. 

I had a weird day. I worked on the puzzle and ran errands, just in Big Pine. At 4:30 I left with Tommy and Charlie and went to Rob's to help decorate his tree. The band also went there, in between their two gigs. TJ's family joined us too. Ian was sick, and Tommy was getting it. Ben had it too but somehow made it thru both gigs.

I planned on going to Schooner Wharf but ended up watching kids at Rob's house, which was fine with me because  I was feeling very lazy.

TJ left the gig early and brought me Tom's car. I left with Ian, Ariel, Tommy, and Charlie and headed home. When we got home Garrett carried Ariel up the stairs for me. 

Tired, tired, tired. Did I mention I was tired?

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