Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014


No walking today. I did yesterday's dishes first thing. Then washed the kitchen floor. (The third time in four years-don't tell anyone).

All the kids but Tommy and Charlie went to church to work on the video shoot prep. I did school with Charlie and Tommy worked on his own.

Charlie and I had a picnic on the hammock chair downstairs. We read 2 chapters of "Little House on the Prairie." We started the book "Sounder" too. 

The laundry never got folded last week so today I started. Then I went over to church with Tom to watch the video shoot/concert. It was fun. I was pleasantly surprised to see some friends there: Ida and Byron, Randy and Mikki, Kelly and Gale, Mo, and Rich.  Thanks for coming!! 

I ordered 8 pizzas afterward and Tom took them to the church. The boys have to take everything down and put the sanctuary and stage back together. I went home and folded and folded and folded laundry and put it away. Poor me, right? :0)

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