Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014


It was too cold to walk this morning, and I slept till almost 9, so it was a little late. I spent a little extra time reading because Garrett and Tommy were two hours late to school. 

I had to put socks on today. My feet were cold. We left for Schooner Wharf at 5. I wore jeans, cowboy boots, and my jean jacket. I thought I would be cold but was comfortable. I knitted and read. Angelica's brother and Uncle Jack arrived last night and they all came to the gig with the kids. 

This morning TJ drove Ethan to the mainland (3 1/2 hours) for his flight to Buffalo, which was cancelled. Ed has to take him back tomorrow, and we are all wondering if that flight will be cancelled too.

Garrett and Tommy stayed home tonight. There school work better be done. 

Here's an interesting bit of Doerfel trivia. The boys tell on each other all the time. When I was growing up my brothers and I had each other's backs and would cover for one another, but my kids don't do that. Hmmm...

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