Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014


We woke up and it was 57 degrees. The windows were open. Tom had pulled Angelica's quilt from our closet and thrown it on the bed sometime during the night. 

We went to church, then Kim and Stevie and Angelica and the kids came over. Garrett and Tommy helped watch kids and we dyed Kim's yarn. We hand painted it all. Both days the mosquitos came out towards the end. Not fun. But it is done now.  We cleaned up. Kim went home and I went to church with Tom and Charlie. When we got home the boys went to the park to play hockey. I took my yarn out of the plastic wrap and spread it on the shower floor. I rinsed and rinsed and rinsed till the water ran clear. Then I spread it out on the porch to dry in the sun tomorrow. 

The boys came back from the park. I went to bed. 

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