Friday, November 21, 2014

November 20, 2014


Today was another rainy, gray, gloomy day, and that's how my day went. I had planned on weaving with Kim in the evening, but today was Doug's birthday, so they were spending the evening at home. The boys weren't ready for school on time, so I decided to go to Kim's studio this morning instead.

All I did was make mistakes, getting lost in my pattern, unweaving, and then I couldn't figure out where I was to start weaving again. Then the thread got tangled on my bobbin and I had to unwind it and wind it onto another bobbin. I finally gave up and went home. 

I knew I wouldn't feel like doing school once I got home. We did some but my heart wasn't in it. I was also dreading supper and had no idea what to make. The boys needed Garrett and Tommy's help to set up for youth group too, and I forgot about Tommy's guitar lesson.

The boys played hockey early today so they could be done in time for youth group. They had to squeeze in one last game while their friend Ethan was here. Angelica's Uncle Jack and brother, Robert, went to the park too. Ben cracked his jaw on Tom's head and they both got hurt. Ben chipped a tooth. Too many injuries lately.

After the boys went to youth group I pulled out my sewing machine and made buttonholes on four dresses and sewed the buttons on too. Then I spent some time designing the embroidery for the next dress. I just want to get to the embroidery part. 

I never did get to supper. I felt bad. I knew the younger boys were hungry and the big kids had gone out for Chinese after youth group. I just didn't know what to make, and didn't want to make anything anyways, but still felt guilty. I was just going to bed hungry, after folding some laundry, when Ed came home and gave me his leftovers. Joe shared some leftovers with the younger boys too.

I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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