Friday, November 7, 2014

November 6, 2014


I went walking and ran two times around the park. Woo hoo!! The big kids worked at church all day on lights and I think a dress rehearsal for the upcoming video shoot/concert. The younger ones and I did school. I also got stuck doing paper work for Tom. I strongly dislike it! And it takes away school time.

We have had the windows open a couple weeks and the no-see-ums are eating us alive. So itchy!! I planned on working at the studio but Doug took the night off so Kim stayed home. I went to Winn Dixie, then made supper: baked beans with cornbread on top. The cornbread was loaded with onions, corn, jalapeƱos, peppers, and kale. I put out grapes and made a salad. While I waited for the boys to get back from the park I cut out the pinafore for Callie's dress and started sewing. 

I did the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, and went to bed.

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