Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014


I overslept this morning. Didn't wake up till 9. Oops! The band left at 10 to rehearse for Thursday's video shoot/concert. They took Garrett with them to run the lights, so I did school with Tommy and Charlie. I went over 3 math lessons with Tommy. I wish they were self-motivated. 

We left for Sloppy's almost a half hour late. Garrett went to work at Rob's house. Sloppy's was very busy, but the night dragged on for me. A lot of people, a lot of noise. I need to refuel with some alone time. I'd love to sit on a screened-in porch by the ocean and spin at my spinning wheel. You know, unwind. :0)

Here's a pic of my coverlet finished, and a pic that Kurt took.

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