Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 22, 2014


I went walking. It was gray and a little rainy. I ran my two times around the park. Still a big accomplishment for me. I  aiming to keep increasing it. I went out only two times this past week because the weather was bad and because I'm lazy. :0(  The band went to their gig at Sunset Pier, Garrett and Tommy went to the carwash at church, and Charlie and I went to Kim's studio.

I wove for two hours. Things are looking good but the pics I took don't look like anything special. Charlie and I went home for lunch, and then I did Algebra with Garrett. Around 5 o'clock I went back to the studio and wove some more. I gave the dress I made for Callie to Kim so she could take it over to Angelica's. 

My biggest challenge today was figuring out what was for supper. While weaving, I decided to make Buffalo Cauliflower. On the drive home I stopped at Winn Dixie. I didn't have much time, so I bought frozen cauliflower, so I wouldn't have to cut up tons of cauliflower. It didn't work with the frozen cauliflower. It was kind of mushy, but it was better than not eating. We had grapes, carrots, and a salad too. 

The boys had played hockey before supper and we ate about 9:30. They have been playing rough and people keep getting hurt every game. Dummies. :0/

After supper I gave a few kids chores and started the embroidery on the next baby dress. I want it done ASAP. 

I read to Charlie and Tommy and went to bed (about 1:30 AM).

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