Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 11, 2014


TJ picked me up at 8 AM. We went to his house and I helped get kids dressed, then I followed them to Connie's house. We dropped off Callie there, and went on to Blue Heaven with Jake and Violet.

It was a nice morning at Blue Heaven. Afterwards, we stopped at the quilt shop in Key West. We haven't been there in atleast 4 years. I bought two Kaffe Fasset books.

Next, we dropped TJ off for a radio show that was going to be recorded and aired tomorrow. The band met him there and we went home. I rested for an hour, then went grocery shopping. That took another hour. Garrett was home and helped to carry groceries up the stairs, and I started supper.

Earlier today, Tom took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. Also, gym class was cancelled due to Veteran's Day, so I didn't need to find a ride for the boys to Marathon.

I made coconut black beans, rice, salad, and put out $15 worth of grapes. (They ate them all). The boys played hockey and ended up having a few fights. It's hockey. :0/

They came home, ate, and watched hockey. I finished reading a book that I started a few days ago. I've been reading at our gigs, and driving to gigs. It was called "The Brainy Bunch." Not sure how I feel about it yet. It didn't really tell me what I wanted to know but I learned about three things. 

I assigned boys to chores, read to Charlie, and went to bed.

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