Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 25, 2013


I woke up to a text from TJ. He needede to wake up Joe and Tommy to go to blue Heaven with him and Angelica. I went walking, then did school with Garrett till 5:00 pm. We did a grammar test, a history test, a history lesson, and an Algebra lesson. Tom went kayaking with Uncle Jack, Robert, Charlie, Jake, and Callie.

When Garrett and I were done with school I started supper prep. The boys all went to the park to play hockey. Bobny ce over and played some video ges after going to the park. I made rice and bean tacos, a salad, and set out grapes.  At 7:30 I went to Winn Dixie for a few Thanksgiving things. Then came home to assemble the tacos. 

Everyone ate and watched hockey. I assigned kitchen chores, read to Tommy and Charlie, and hit the sack. 

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