Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 18, 2014


Tom went with TJ and Ang to Blue Heaven today. I stayed home and did school. I've got to figure something out with Garrett and Tommy. They have no sense of urgency and are wasting time. There is no time to waste and it's making me mad. 

Charlie had a fiddle lesson and Nina took him for me. She practiced with her siblings. I think Aaron is playing drums and Ian learning the bass. I took Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Aaron, and Ariel to gym class.  When we got home I tried getting back to our school work but had nothing left in me.

I did laundry and roamed around seeing all that needed to be done and not wanting to do any of it. Finally, I figured out what was for supper and went to Winn Dixie .

A cold front came in today. While the Buffalo area was getting blasted with snow, we closed windows and shivered to 63 degrees. The boys played hockey while I made supper. We ate at 9:30, read to Charlie, and got to bed too close to midnight.

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