Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 21, 2014


We struggled thru some of our schoolwork. I feel like my feet are dragging in heavy mud. I am always behind. There's too much to do. I can't get things done that need to get done. Things are cluttered. I am overwhelmed.

Food. I just don't want to cook right now, or shop, or put it away, or make a list. Most of the time I feel guilty for spending so much money. I make supper and then a few kids eat peanut butter and jelly because they don't want to eat what I made. It is hard to make sure everyone is eating their veggies when there's not room for us all to sit around the table.

But I'm complaining. I need to be thankful. I need to stop thinking about what's wrong, and think about what's right. 

TJ, Ang, and Nina played at Blue Heaven this morning. Ed went to Key West later in the day and joined them for their second gig, a wedding rehearsal dinner. 

It was another rainy day, by the way.

I went grocery shopping and made supper: hippie loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and asparagus. Tommy and Garrett did dishes. I read to Charlie and went to bed 


  1. Cheryl, I think you are doing a monumentally good job with all the things you have to do. Do not get discouraged. You can not be everywhere at once and I admire you very much when I read your blogs. Linda

  2. i've never answered a blog before till now. I read your blog every day. You are amazing and I just wanted to say that your children are maturing and growing up and away. These are the facts of it. I see it in my own family and it's perfectly normal. One day you will think back on these days and will probably wonder how in the world you and your husband did it! You will also realize the these kids have not only a mind of their own, but major differences in how they view the world. Be proud.
