Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013

I went for my walk. Three of Kurt's friends spent the night, since they had the day off school today. That gave the kids a late start. The girls made us muffins for breakfast. Yum! We finally got to chores at noon and started school at 12:30. At 2:30 I packed Tom's and my lunch and at 3 we were out the door. It's a good thing we left early today, because we were just about to Duval, when traffic was stopped. Parade! We were lucky for a lull in the paraders, and a policeman let us cross. Then we had to cross back on another street to get to work. Another lull and a kind policeman let us cross. 

There were a lot of people at the show, and a group of about 50 bagpipe players came into Sloppy's and played a few songs. That was pretty cool.

We met a couple getting married tomorrow. They said we made their night. They bought a T-shirt and I gave them a "Live in Key West" cd. I also met a group of women from Springville, NY, our hometown. :0) We met some great people tonight. 

Thank you to everyone who came. Make sure you come over to the cd table and say hi next time you are in town.

Oh, my new cowboy boots came today. I will need them when it gets too cold to wear my sandals. I love them!! What do you think?

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