Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013

I went for my walk. This past week I ran for 1 min and 30 seconds each day. I will take Sunday off and on Monday I will bump it up to 2 minutes. I have never been a runner and hated running, but now I almost look forward to it. I think because the time is slowly moving up and I can see success in these small increases. 

After I ate I went to Kim's to weave. The band went to their first gig. I wove for 2 hours and then went home for lunch. I planned the menu for this coming week, made my grocery list, and went to Winn Dixie.

When I got home I was happy to see Garrett and Tommy; they carried the groceries up the stairs for me. I put the food away, cleaned off two shelves in the fridge, and ground 4 cups of wheat berries. I also made coconut  milk yogurt, which I haven't done for at least two months. I then made mushroom burgers. I've been wanting to try it. They were made out of whole wheat bread, mushrooms, navy beans, and spices. I thought they were yummy. I will make them again. 

The band stopped at home on their way to their second gig, at Salty's, in Marathon. I had the burgers in the oven, so I couldn't leave with the band. Charlie stayed with me till the burgers were done. Then we walked over to church, where Tom had left the car. I'm not sure why he left it there, but that's where it was. We drove to the gig. We brought Ed a burger because he didn't want to eat pizza. I wish I didn't want to eat pizza. I did eat only one slice, and only a few bites of Charlie's piece. 

Some of the home schoolers from our group came to the show, so the younger boys had friends to run around with, and I got to hang with the moms. Garrett went to a musical at the high school with a friend.

When the gig was done, I drove home with Garrett, Tommy, and Charlie. The boys took too long getting ready for bed. I had Tommy soak his feet in Epsom salts. I think he has ingrown toenails on both feet. I've been holding off but I think I'm going to have to take him to the doctor. I don't know what else to do to get rid of them. Tommy accidentally spilled the water all over the bathroom floor. He cleaned it up himself and was crying when I came back to my room. I had been folding a basket of laundry.

Today was humid. I'm laying here sweating. I need to move my fan so it blows on me all night long. All the big boys are watching a hockey game. (It's 1 AM).

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