Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013

On my walk this morning I saw this amazing rainbow. It's the brightest one I've ever seen. 

TJ and Angelica are moving back to the Keys. We are so excited, but they were trying to find a place to rent and line up work. I did not want to force things, or take things into my own hands, so I was praying that God would make it happen. I was also praying that I would not get discouraged if it took longer than I wanted. On Thursday, everything came together. Unbelievably better than I could have hoped. This morning's rainbow meant a lot to me.

After I showered, I let Kurt drive and we went to Winn Dixie for milk and lettuce. Then stopped at Walgreens and the post office. Some of the kids went to a gig at Blue Heaven. 

Breakfast and chores. School. Charlie got picked up for his fiddle lesson. He's doing great! I went to Kim's and wove for 2 1/2 hours. Charlie was dropped off there. Then I took him to movie night at church and dropped him off.

It started pouring and I went to the 2nd gig, at Bistro 31. It was fun. I even ran the sound for a few songs. I left halfway through and went home to clean up the kitchen. I had Tommy fold a basket of laundry. I did some tatting and then the band came home. Then I had to crack the whip to make them all go to bed.

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