Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 9, 2013

I slept till 8. Yay!! But that left me no time for walking. I did walk to church though, to help roll plasticware in napkins for the Night of Thanks at our church. Then I walked home.

I was thinking about just Tommy and me going to the beach, but we didn't go. I went to Winn Dixie and bought subs and corn chips for lunch. Before I left I had asked Garrett to bring in the garbage cans and cut down some super tall grass that grows around one palm tree in the yard. When I got back, he hadn't done it, so I told him he couldn't have any food until it was done.

At 3, I went to Kim's. One loom is at a standstill. She ran out of yarn and we are waiting for it to come in the mail, hopefully Monday. She wove on the other loom. The pattern is too complicated for me. I started winding a new warp for the next wrap. Then there just wasn't much for me to do so I came home. 

I finished taking out dishes and bedding from downstairs from when the Goldwing crew stayed there. I brought it all upstairs but there's no place to put it. I piled the pillows in my closet, but it was already too full. I'm going to have to get rid of some stuff. Bobby's clothes are in a huge duffle bag on my closet floor. I want to get them out but don't know where to put them. Tom rented out TJ's apartment, and the girl is going to paint tomorrow. I was hoping we could spread out down there, but Tom wants the extra money.

Right now I am angry, that houses here are so small and so expensive. And no yard. I am so tired of moving and starting over. I don't want to move. Even when I consider it, I have to ask myself where we would work. And I don't want to leave our church. So here is the best place for us. I just wish we had more room (and a pool). 

We ended up with a different teenage girl here yesterday. She rode her bike here. Apparently she stayed a little longer than intended, and didn't want to ride her bike 5 miles home in the dark. It's an easy ride, everything is flat, but it's dangerous at night here for bikes on the road. So I gave her a ride home. A very nice girl, friendly, talkative. She, Mason,  just moved here in June from Vermont. They had never even been here before but her mom was sick of being cold. 

The kids texted me from their gig, just two blocks from our house, that Ariel was bored, so Tommy and I picked her up after dropping the Mason off. I brought her and Tommy home. Garrett was back from working at church and Aaron and Naomi were home. Then I walked to the gig. I stayed for about 2 hours. The waitress never came over so I never ordered any food. I left and walked home. I sat out on the porch and ate corn chips while listening to the book, "The Help," for the third time on my phone.

After a while, I came in and went to bed.

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