Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

Hmm... I can't remember this morning :0)

I went walking. It was very windy. I bumped the running part of my walk up 30 seconds. I did it!

I let everyone sleep an extra hour, till 11. The kids did some chores and started school. I went to Kim's house for an hour, then back home. I made mushroom burgers, a double batch for lunch/supper. The kids will eat at Sloppy's but Tom and I won't. We try to eat healthier. I put the burgers on my salad, with BBQ sauce and horseradish mustard.

I also did laundry and folded three loads.

We brought a friend with us to Sloppy's. School is out this week in the Keys. 

Sloppy's was packed, because it was raining, and because of the awesome band. :0) I took the younger kids to Duetto's during a break. We walked in the rain. My feet are still wet, 4 hours later. Ariel fell asleep during the show. I made her a bed on Nina's keyboard case.

We drove home with 4 more friends added into the van. I have a feeling it's going to be a noisy night.

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