Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3, 2013


Today was my day off from walking, and we got an extra hour to sleep. Why did I wake up at 5 am unable to sleep? :0( I spent some time looking at pics on my phone. Then got up and cut out the next baby dress.

We went to church. I thought we were going to trade bunks in the boys room for some newer ones someone gave us, but it didn't happen. Tom got side tracked, and I don't think it will help the room to look any better. Two triple bunks and a double, the room is hopeless. Walking room only.

Tomorrow we are doing some spring, I mean fall, cleaning. It feels like spring up north, only warmer. :0) we are going to clean out kitchen cupboards.

Nina's band played at Sunset Pier today. Tom, Charlie, and I went swimming at Ida's. Unfortunately, the water was too cold, so we didn't stay long.

I went to Winn Dixie and bought about 3 days worth of food, came home, and started supper. The boys went to play hockey, some in Key West and some in Big Pine. I was able to a little embroidery while supper was cooking. I made Teriyaki chickpeas, brown rice, a giant salad, and watermelon. 

I did the dishes and folded a load of wash and went to bed. I just got out of bed though. I thought I heard Garrett and Aaron out on the trampoline after I told them to go to bed. So I went out on the porch and scolded them in the dark. When I came in I went in their room. Tommy and Aaron were in there, and Garrett was in the bathroom. So I just scolded some other kid on the trampoline. I don't know who it was. :0) 

Charlie wanted me to read to him but I said no. I told him I'd read in the morning. Charlie and Ariel made a fort in the living room with the cushions of the couch. They are sleeping in it.

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