Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013

I took a different route on my walk this morning. There are several dead end streets near us that end at the ocean so I walked down one of them and then went to the park. It is so peaceful by the water.

Kim needed help at the studio. I normally go at 3 on Wednesday's, but today she needed me early. I put Ben in charge. I told him to wake up the boys, make them eat breakfast, and start school. I went to Kim's. 

I got back at 1. Chores weren't done. Tommy was playing video games, and Garrett was watching a movie. That made me grumpy, and I had a hard time losing the grumpies all afternoon. 

It was a late start, but I made them do chores and we did math and history. Then Tommy and Charlie rode their bikes to the park for art class. 

I made Buffalo cauliflower and a salad and Ed, Nina, Joe, and I ate. Then we went to church. 

When we got home I made baked pears. I was getting into bed when I heard something familiar. Ed and Nina were watching "For Richer or Poorer," an old favorite of mine. So much for getting to bed early.

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