Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 27, 2013

Busy day today. I went for my walk. I had Garrett peel many sweet potatoes and put them on the stove, ready to cook later. Then Tom dropped me off at Kim's studio and I worked with her for 2 hours. Tom went over to Kim's house, where he is working on the other duplex, getting it ready for TJ and Angelica to move in. Then Tom and I went home. 

I made the candied sweet potatoes (my favorite) and when they were ready, about 5 o'clock, I took them and the little boys to church. Our church had a "Night of Thanks," in which they feed 500-600 people in an hour. Then there was a concert by some of our worship teams, with our kids and Doug playing the last four songs. Kim needed me to watch Stevie and I thought I might miss the kids playing, but he settled down and went to sleep just in time. Then they served dessert.

I dropped Kim and Stevie off at her house, then Charlie and I went home. I spent the rest of the night relaxed in my queen's chair in my room, embroidering and listening to a book. I had to put two blankets on the bed. The temperature was dropping. 

It was a great day! :0)

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