Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 13, 2013


Walked and made chocolate zucchini muffins for breakfast. They were very good. I had the boys do a little school but this week seems to have us doing the clean up that I wanted to do last week.

I pulled out a box from the cupboard that was here when we moved in. I thought someone might come looking for it, but we have been in this house for two years now, and no one ever came. It was filled with china teacups and saucers, so Charlie had a tea party. 

At 2:30 we headed to a home school birthday party. The kids had a blast and we adults had fun too. It was super windy and low 70s and at the end of the night, a few of the kids went swimming. It was fun to go to a party with almost the whole family. Garrett had to stay home because he had to work at church, but we had 6 of our kids and 2 Newtons.

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