Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013


Slept in till 8 this morning! Woo hoo! Walked. Made polenta out of purple corn meal for breakfast. We all agreed we like the yellow cornmeal better. The kids picked chores and we started school.

Charlie got picked up for his fiddle lesson and I took Joe to the doctor in Big Pine for blood work. When we got home, Tom and I got ready to take Tommy to Marathon for a spelling bee. He was on a team with two other homeschoolers. Garrett went with us too.

The original plan was to go on a date to the spelling bee, but then Kurt wanted me to help him with a surprise party. Kurt, however, never came home to help, and I never made it back home to made a cake.

We dropped Tommy and Garrett off early so the team could study and then we went on errands. We went to Walgreens, the gas station, and Taco Bell. Not my idea of a date. That's usually how our dates go. :0( This was our third Friday off in a row, and our first date in forever, and it was off to a bad start. By then it was going on 6:00 so we decided to go to the spelling bee and watch Tommy, and Kurt would have to fend for himself. Then we found out the spelling bee didn't start till 7, so we decided to go for ice cream while we waited for it to start.

We found a bakery/ice cream cafe close by. My friend Dahlia happened to text me and then call and she and her daughter met us at the ice cream place. We visited for a bit and then we all went to the spelling bee.

I thought it would be kind of stiff, and maybe boring, but it wasn't at all. Everyone was in good spirits. Some teams were in costume. The MC was fun, joking, and friendly. It was really fun. Tommy's team was the only kid team. All the others were adults. There were 13 teams and the homeschoolers came in 5th! They were awesome! Some of the words were so crazy. (They stayed in it even longer than a team of three teachers!) The spelling bee was a benefit for Habitat for Humanity.

When we got home, Kurt's friends were over, Their mom too. We sang happy birthday and the kids went to the studio about 11. I did dishes while we visited with their mom, and then she taught Tom some yoga stretching exercises. She teaches yoga. She can bend over and touch her forehead to the floor!

I got ready for bed and had to text Ben to bring Charlie and Joe home. It was going on 1 AM. They came home. Charlie snuggled with me, and then we went to bed.

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