Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013

I overslept this morning, due to our late gig last night. We got home at 2 AM. So I had to skip my walk. I ate my oatmeal and went to Kim's to help her get a new project ready to weave.  That took two hours. 

When I got home, close to 1 o'clock, Charlie was still sleeping. Nina's band was at their gig. I folded laundry, had Garrett package a keyboard case so it was ready to ship, and made bread.  I taught Tommy how to roll out the dough. 

I practiced fiddle with Charlie. I hoped to give Garrett a piano lesson but there wasn't enough time. I'll try again tomorrow.

We left at 4:30 for tonight's gig at Schooner Wharf. I finished the embroidery on dress #4 and hand pieced the top and lining together. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the skirt attached. I also want to made a Christmas tree skirt that's all ruffles.

Tommy and I left the gig at 10. Rob showed up just as we were getting in the van. I was so tired though, so we didn't stay. Tommy hurt his hand playing frisbee and was sitting in the van crying. I listened to the book, "The China Study," while driving home. It's the third time. 

I got home and went straight to bed.

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