Friday, November 1, 2013

November 1, 2013


Went for my walk. Tom and I were going to go kayaking today, but were both too lazy to load the kayaks and everything that goes with it. So we went to Bahia Honda instead and walked the beach. 

When we got home. Some of the older kids went out for lunch with Fran. Charlie's fiddle teacher picked him up for his lesson and Joe and I headed to Winn Dixie.

Garrett, Tommy, and Aaron worked on their schoolwork while being distracted by two friends who spent the night. The older kids went to the studio for a lesson in lighting and photo taking. 

I made two cakes for Nina's birthday party tonight. One was a chocolate cake from scratch with a carmel filling and the other an Italian love cake. We ordered 8 pizzas and I made a salad.

We had a big crowd. There was at least 30 people here. We ate, had cake, and watched Doerfel home videos. What fun!

I cleaned up and went to bed. All the kids are watching a movie.

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