Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5, 2013

I went for my walk. I've been getting up earlier start thanks to the time change. But school didn't start earlier. They are so pokey.

I decided not to got to gym class today, but if Helena offered to take them, they could go. She did, and she picked them up at 12:30. Before that though, about 10:45 am, Joe had a seizure. He hasn't had one for over 2 months, since he started medication. 

He was sitting in the kitchen on a stool at the island. He said something about dropping his phone 3 times, and I jokingly said, something wrong with your head? Next thing I knew his arms were stiff and jerking, his hands turned in, and I lunged for him and caught him before he fell. He did knock some things around on the counter, and he spilled his coffee everywhere, but we caught the mug before it fell off the counter so nothing broke.

He's heavy. Garrett helped me get him to the floor, and we put a couch pillow under his head. I sat on the floor by him for a few minutes. Then started cleaning up the coffee. After 5 minutes, joe kind of woke up. He mumbled something about going to bed. I told him to stay where he was so I could clean up the spilled coffee. He fell back asleep. About 10-15 minutes later, he got up. Said that his head hurt. It always does after his seizures. I gave him some ibuprofen and he moved to the couch. Then I got him some ice for his head. He was in and out of sleep a few times. I also called Joe's doctor. 

When Joe has a seizure, it drains me like it drains him.

No one else was home after Helena picked up the younger boys, so I had Joe go with me to Kim's so I could weave. I wove for 2 1/2 hour and then we went home. My Tai Chi class was cancelled. I was kind of glad. I took Joe with me to pick up my produce.

I made pizza dough and then a healthy pizza. I made a salad and washed some grapes. I ordered 6 pizzas and had to pick them up.

The boys played hockey. A bunch of friends were over. Then we ate. Tom, Ben, and I went to pick up another Harley. Toms going to clean it up and then sell it.

I've started something new with the laundry. I fold things right out of the dryer and put them away. The clean laundry used to line the hallway. What a mess. So far it's working great.

When we got home from picking up the Harley,  I went straight to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I saw you guys a year ago in December and the band rocked my face off.

    In March of that year I had three seizures in one day, out of nowhere. I am a 35 year old female English professor who has never had health problems. I sympathize very much with Joe.

    My medication has prevented further episodes, but it is a life-altering, and emotionally challenging life change.

    I wish you the best, Joe, as well as your talented, loving family, and I truly hope you keep making such awesome music.
