Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013

When I got back from my walk I made a 5 times batch of pancakes. Just my sneaky way to get them out of bed--food. The kids picked chores and things were looking good. 

We started school and I paid some bills. Before I knew it, it was time to go to gym class. But first, I had to go over to the church and switch the GMC van for my favorite vehicle to drive, the 15 passenger.

Today we took 3 extra kids, Aaron, Jaden, and Nevaeh. Tom texted me with an invitation to go on a sunset cruise on Randy and Micky's boat. When I got home and was making lunch, my Tai Chi teacher called and cancelled today's class. I put Nina in charge and met Tom on Little Torch where we got on the boat.

It was a great night. The water was calm. We saw some dolphins playing in the water.  We ate some food and watched the sun set. Then we visited for a while. We saw some cool glow-in-the-dark things in the water. There were a lot of them. It was like fireflies in the water.  There were also tons of stars out tonight.

On my way home I stopped at Winn Dixie and bought two watermelons, bananas, and grapes. When I got home I ordered 8 pizzas. I cut up both watermelons and made a salad.

By then the pizzas were ready and I went to get them. When I pulled in back at home, the troops were getting back from hockey. We ate and I did the dishes. The boys watched hockey and I went to bed.

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