Friday, May 30, 2014

May 30, 2014


I didn't sleep that good and got up at 7:30. Callie was awake and checking out my spinning wheel. I made her oatmeal and changed her diaper. I washed off the kitchen counters and swept the floor. 

The dishwasher was stopped in the middle of a cycle. I tried turning it on and it wouldn't work. Great. :0(

At 9:30 I got my hair trimmed and Tom watched Jake and Callie. When I got back Tommy and Aaron were up. I got ready for school and woke up Garrett and Charlie. I did school from 11-2, then went to Winn Dixie. I needed to escape for a few minutes. The boys did their history and math while I was gone.

When I got back I washed the dishes, everything on the counter first, then the stuff in the dishwasher. Tommy and Aaron dried. Then it was time
To leave for Sunset Pier.

I forgot diapers for Callie so when we got to the gig she and I walked to CVS and bought some. I got her a Tinkerbell Doll to keep her occupied at the gig. At the end of the night the dolls wings were lost. Oh well. 

I enjoyed the night. Did some embroidery.   The kids ate after the gig, then broke down the equipment. We got home just after midnight very tired.  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 29, 2014


I had another slow start this morning. We did school from 11-4:30. Tommy and Garrett went to youth group. Charlie had planned on going to Shannon's but they cancelled. He was very disappointed.

TJ dropped the kids off about 4:00. Rob came up and Tom, Rob, Charlie, and Jake went to the park. Callie stayed home with me.  I made a salad and Lentil Sloppy Joes. I wanted to go to Winn Dixie and by rolls and watermelon but the boys had 4 cars at the church and Tom took the GMC to the park. So I couldn't go and had to use wraps instead of rolls.

The kids all came back from youth group with a few friends. They were very loud. I got Callie to bed, then Tommy and Charlie.  Aaron and Garrett did dishes and the rest of the boys were on their own. I read Farmer Boy to Tommy and Charlie.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 28, 2014


I spent some time this morning looking at two more subjects for Garrett's schoolwork next year, literature and grammar. I went in the hot tub and then took care of breakfast.  The older kids were very noisy, getting ready for a gig up in Miami. They will come home late tonight. 

We did school from 11-4. Tommy and Charlie went to art class at 3. At 4:30 I dropped Charlie off at TJ's to play with Jake and Callie. I went to Kim's studio and wove. We ordered a pizza, something we don't ordinarily do. I had a craving. I havent had cheese in a long time. Anyways, I finished the last wrap on a loom and cut it off for the first time. 

We are getting ready for some dyeing projects. I am planning some dish towels and a scarf. It's been two or three years since we had a dyeing party. The last time was with Laurel in Springville. 

I went to church but ended up leaving. Ang wasn't feeling well and I went over to take the kids to church, but decided to just stay and watch the kids there. They are getting ready for a trip to CA. 

When I got home Tommy had finished his math like he was supposed to, but Garrett the bum never even started his. More Saturday schoolwork. I corrected Tommy's math, cleared off the table, moved laundry along, and then read Farmer Boy to Tommy and Charlie. We are almost done. We are going to read "Little Britches" next. It's a true story of a family that moves out to Colorado to be ranchers. It's the first in a series of 8. I read them all to the older kids and they are a favorite.

Which reminds me, Garrett, Tommy, and I just finished reading "Across the Plains in 1844." It's a true account of the Whitman massacre by Catherine Sager. Tomorrow we start "Left by the Indians," another true story. Then we will have to read something about the Donner party, and then we will be finished with the Oregon Trail. I have a good book about Lewis and Clark that we never got to last year, that I want to read. I also have a book coming about Marcus and Narcissa Whitman Mission. So maybe we won't be finished just yet.

I have so many things to do and not enough time at home. I want to start a new baby dress to embroider on. I asked Ed to set up an Etsy sight for me to sell the dresses. I have four done. He doesn't have much time either. We will see what happens with that.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014


Instead of doing my devos first thing, I ended up in the kitchen looking at Garrett's school stuff for next year. I already skimmed thru it all once. Now I will look at one subject each day. I am planning how much needs to be done each day so that it will be done by the end of May 2015. Today I looked at his Bible class stuff.

Did my devos. No fiddle lesson today. Tommy got his history done before we left for PE but Garrett didn't get anything done. We will have to do school on Saturday.

Today was the last day of PE for this school year. We met at Sombrero Beach. The kids played volleyball. The kids love going, but it takes up a big chunk of our school day. I hope to start school at 10 AM next year, instead of 11. We would do school 10-3:30.

We got home at 3:45. Mo, my Tai Chi teacher, came over at 4 and we did Tai Chi here. Afterwards I started supper. I made the salad first. I was waiting for Winn Dixie to not be busy with the people who stop there on their way home from work.

Got my groceries and Rob and Anastasia got to our house just after me. The boys all went to play roller hockey at the park. Anastasia cut up 2 watermelons and played with Jake and Callie. Callie can say her (Anastasia's) name. I made mushroom burgers.

Everyone came back and we ate. Hardly anyone eats the salad. I wish we had a big table (for 20 people) that we could all sit at. I would serve the salad first so they would have to eat it before the rest of the food was put on the table. I would have to get rid of the living room furniture for the table to fit, but I'm willing.

Tom and I took Rob and Anastasia over to TJ's to see baby Violet. She's so cute! It was a fun visit. We got home just after 11 and I had to crack the whip again. "Kurt, put dishes away. Aaron, wash. Garrett, take the garbage out and get to bed. Tommy, Charlie, bed. And the rest of you, be quiet. School tomorrow." There were two friends over , plus Ethan.

I sorted and moved the laundry. I can't seem to get caught up lately. And I want to slow down. Tired of hurrying. I want to just sit out on the porch so time can move slowly. 

May 26, 2014


I walked this morning. Then we did school. I wanted to go swimming at Ida's before leaving for Sloppy Joes but we didn't have time.

Jake didn't come with us today. He was sick last night. The little kids have been ordering extra things at Sloppy's, so we've been trying to get a handle on that.  I forgot my phone. I spent the first two sets knitting at the cd table, but had to rip most of it out because I made a mistake. I'm not the best knitter, but every so often I get the urge to knit. I'm making a baby sweater for Violet. It's size 6 months. In 6 months it will be winter. Hard to imagine with summer upon us.

We got home at 11:30. Moved the laundry and cracked the whip. Get to bed!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 25, 2014


Went to church. Then back to Ida's with Tom, Tommy, Charlie, TJ, Jake, and Callie. Had a relaxing time, other than Tommy and Charlie's constant arguing. Went home and had a little down time. Garrett and Jonathan surprised me by cleaning the living room, doing dishes, and Garrett folded laundry. That was wonderful!! 

Tom and I went to church in the evening. Then Tom went to the park to play hockey. I made supper, which consisted of salad, cantaloupe, coconut black beans, and rice. Some boys watched hockey. Some went to work on a project at church. Charlie and Tommy have been doing more reading since they can only have their iPads when we go to gigs.

I knitted a little and went to bed. 

Here's a good pic of Doug and Stevie and a goofy pic of Joe.

May 24, 2014


I went walking this morning. I had many things that needed to get done. The first one was groceries. Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie and were back home in an hour. I put the refrigerated stuff away and then Charlie and I went to Ida's house to go swimming. That was the second thing I wanted to do. After swimming we went back home.

 The band had a double header today, first Sunset Pier, then Schooner Wharf. I planned to go to Schooner later. But first, I went to Kim's studio to weave. That was the third thing to do. I was there two hours with Kim, Stevie, Ang, Callie, and Violet. Then I went back to our house, picked up Charlie, and headed to Schooner. I sat and knitted till around 10. TJ, Jake, Tommy, Charlie and I left early and went home. The band played till midnight.

I also spent some time this morning looking at some school stuff for Garrett for next year, 9th grade. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 23, 2014


I got up early and went to Blue Heaven again to hold Violet during the gig. TJ, Ed, Nina, and Ang went. 

We found an empty parking spot across from Blue Heaven, but TJ needed to turn around to park there, so I got out and stood in the spot. Before TJ got there another car wanted to park there. I shook my head no, but they started to pull in anyways. The woman rolled down her window and told me how rotten I was, stealing their spot. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She said that they were right in front of us, and that I saw them and knew they were coming for this spot. I told her I didn't see her, and still didn't know what she was talking about, but go ahead and park here then. 

By that time TJ was back. I told him that they were there first, but I was so bothered by how nasty she was to me, that I walked back around the car and asked her why she had to be so nasty to me. (Very unlike me). Her husband answered and said she had a bad day. I walked around the vehicle again to go back to TJ's truck, and noticed that they had Goergia plates and the parking spot was a resident spot, so I walked over to the driver's window. He put the window down and I told him he couldn't park there anyway because it's a resident spot. He said, "Where does it say that?" I answered, "On the pavement." They drove off and we parked there.

I told Ang they probably wanted to park there because they were going to Blue Heaven. Sure enough, before the first song started they sat down in front of the stage waiting for their table. Awkward.

I was holding Violet, and thought, this is horrible. I knew they must be feeling awkward too, so I went over and talked to them. I apologized. They apologized. It all ended well.

We went home after the gig, I got home at 3:45. The band had to leave for Schooner Wharf at 4:30. I planned to go later. The younger boys went to a movie at church. I went to Kim's studio and wove till 8. I beat the boys home from the movie and we left for Schooner about 8:35. I called Tom when we left and he told me I should just stay home, so I turned around and went home. Yay! An evening at home.

I made popcorn. Did a little laundry. Garrett had two friends over. Tommy and Charlie went to bed, but Garrett and his friends didn't listen. I wanted them in bed at midnight. The band got home about 2:30 am and I put Joe in charge of bossing them around. I slept horribly.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2024


I'm still enjoying the gorgeous weather. Had a slow morning, then moved into action about 11. Did school. Made bread. The kids went to youth group. Tom, Charlie, and I rode bikes over to church to see Ed give his sermonette :0) and listened to one song. Then Charlie and I went home. We played scrabble.

I did bookkeeping for 3 hours. Didn't really care about supper. Tom, Rob, and the younger boys went to the park for hockey. I was lucky for leftovers when they got back. I had leftover watermelon that I cut up, spaghetti, and salad. Rob brought some rotisserie chicken from Winn Dixie. I didn't have much of an appetite. That never happens to me. 

Tommy and Garrett did dishes. I had Garrett pick up all the shoes and put them on the shelves. 

We had lots of coordinating for Friday's happenings. 

I really tried to be in bed at 11 but there were too many things to do that had to be done. :0( 

Oh, and I'm seriously thinking about not sharing my bathroom. We only have two in the house, with 10 people. They are being such slobs. 

May 21, 2014


I went walking and did school. Tommy and Charlie have been arguing/fighting all week and were rotten today. 

TJ dropped off Callie in the morning. He worked with Tom, along with Joe, Ben, Garrett, and Ethan, tearing off a roof. Callie wasn't her normal cheery self. She had been sick two nights ago and wasn't 100% yet.

School dragged on. Tommy went to his guitar lesson. He's been so lazy this week, and I'll say it again. the arguing with Charlie is driving me crazy. 

TJ and Ang stopped in to pick up Callie and stayed a little while. We got to pass the new baby.

Charlie and I didn't go to church for supper but went for Bible study. I just needed a little quiet time, and that's all I got, a little, 35 minutes, maybe.

After church we came home. I did laundry and went in the hot tub with Tom, then went to bed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014


The year is almost half over. Time is flying by. 

I woke early to go to Blue Heaven with TJ, Ang, and Nina. My job was to hold Violet while Ang sang. I was up to my old tricks, knitting while holding the baby. We had another gorgeous day for us landlovers. Breezy. Too breezy for the boaters. We still have low humidity and it is perfect. 

When the gig was over we found that someone had knocked the mirror off the driver's side of Tom's car. Grrrr. We were off to take care of an errand for Ang but had to change plans because we ran out of time. We had a 3:00 appt with the accountant and had to turn back. Traffic was horrible slow. Then the road was closed for roadwork. We made it just 10 minutes late. After the meeting, a few of the boys and Nina went to pick up Ethan from the airport.

We got home about 5:00. I made the salad and started supper. The boys went to hockey. Nina, Naomi, and I went to get instructions for house and dog sitting that Nina is going to do for some friends. After that we stopped at Winn Dixie for last minute supper fixings. 

Got home. Made spaghetti and cut up two watermelon. I also made teriyaki chick peas. When we were done eating I had Aaron wash dishes and Kurt dry them. They give me the most trouble right now, so I've decided to give them the most dishes. ( I used to do that with Ben). I had Garrett take the garbage out.

There was no hockey game on TV tonight so the boys played NHL 14. That was my chance to escape to the semi-quiet of my room. I don't think I was there 10 minutes ( I really wanted a few minutes to myself) when Tom came in and started where he left off last night, Tommy and Charlie-too much time on the iPads, etc. Ugh!! I knew if I said anything he would get mad, or his feelings hurt, or both, so I kept quiet. After a bit, I got up to get kids to bed. When I tried to get myself ready for bed I found that someone had peed all over my bathroom floor and the toilet. More grrrrrs from me, then I cleaned the bathroom. Then I nagged boys who were still playing NHL 14 to get to bed. Some of them are helping Tom with a roof tear-off in the morning. 

Now that everyone's in bed, it's finally my turn.

May 19, 2014


I went walking this morning. I got the boys started on their schoolwork, then Nina and I went on errands to Walgreens, Winn Dixie, Bealls (we each bought a Yankee candle, mine was pineapple), and Salvation Army.

When we got home we had an hour to get ready for Sloppy's. I made salad and some wraps, grabbed my crocheting, and we were off. 

The first set was fun, the second was thin, everyone is at sunset, and the third filled up again. It's hard for me as the gig progresses. Our backstage is actually side stage, and everyone can see what goes on with the little kids. It just gets hectic. 

I went straight to bed when I got home, and then it happened; Tom was chatty. I just wanted to sleep. I needed to get up early in the morning. He was chatty about everything that the kids do wrong. I can't handle that kind of talk when I'm trying to go to sleep. Grrrr

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2013


I got up early enough that I had time to sit in my hammock chair before going to church. Went to church. Then Tom, Charlie, and I went to Ida's to go swimming. Garrett went to Jaden's house. I got a little sunburned. I always put sunscreen on but I didn't today. I don't know what I was thinking. 

Came home, then went to our class at church, then back Home again. The boys who were here went to the park for hockey. I made pasta for the younger boys and a salad and hummus wraps for the rest of us. We watched hockey and I crocheted. 

May 17, 2014


I went in the hot tub and then I went walking. That wonderful breeze was still here. I took a shower and scrubbed my shower. The band went to Sunset Pier. I folded laundry and did some bookkeepimg. Charlie and I picked up some did from Winn Dixie and then went to Kim's studio. I wove 5 feet and Charlie played with Stevie. On the way home we stopped to see baby Violet. Jake came home with us to sleep over.

Nina went to the prom tonight with friends. The rest of us had a pretty quiet night at home. We turned off the AC and opened the windows. It is so comfortable out. 

May 16, 2014


I went in the hot tub this morning. We did our schoolwork and I went to Kim's studio and wove for 2 hours. Went back home and we finished our schoolwork. 

We played at Hogfish. The kid's friend, Marshall, played with them since Ben is in NY visiting Emma.  It was a nice night. The weather has been perfect. Low humidity and wonderful breeze. The only bad thing was that we got home so late.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014


Woke up too late to walk. It's too hot and muggy, but pretty soon I can't let that stop me. I did the dishes from last night, went in the hot tub, and then watered my plants on the porch.

We did school from 11-5. The older kids went to youth group and Charlie went to Shannon's house. I made 2 loaves of bread, homemade baked beans, and a salad for dinner. Did more dishes while waiting for Tom and Rob to come back from skating at the park. 

We ate at about 9 pm. The kids came home and they ate. There was no hockey game on tv so we actually talked for a while. I crocheted a little while we talked. I put the leftovers away and Garrett did the dishes. Bobby stopped in to fill out a form for work.

Speaking of forms, the IRS sent us a check for a refund for our 2013 taxes but we haven't filed yet. The paper actually has TJ's financial numbers on it, but mine and Tom's SS #s. TJ got his refund yesterday. We will do out taxes in June when we go to NY. That's what we do every year. I hope it goes smoothly, trying to figure this mess out. Tom spent half the day on the phone with the IRS, after he got disconnected from the first half hour wait.

May 14, 2014


I did school all day, till we went to church in the evening. After church Rob came up to watch the Boston hockey game. I needed to get a few things done so I didn't watch. 

I practiced flute but didn't have enough time. Did some laundry. Swept my bedroom floor and cleaned off my desk. 

Boston lost the last game of the series, so they are out.

I forgot to mention that a few days ago Bobby got a job at Tom Thumb. We took a half hour break from school today and went to see baby Violet. We stopped to get gas on the way and saw Bobby at work.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 13, 2014


There was a lot of plan-making this morning. Tom and I had Callie and went to look at an RV in Ley Largo, an hour and a half away Ed took Charlie to his fiddle lesson and picked him up. Helena picked up the boys and Jake and took them to gym class.

Sitting in the car so long tired me out. The RV was nothing impressive. When I got home I ate. I didn't want to go to Tai Chi but I went anyway.  

I took Tommy with me to Winn Dixie and bought groceries. Came home. Put food away. I made spaghetti, a giant salad, cut up 2 watermelons and rinsed off grapes. I ordered 3 pizzas and chicken wings (for Rob). Rob ended up not coming because the weather was uncertain. The boys ended up skating because it didn't rain. I picked up the pizzas and wings.

When the kids came back from the park, Charlie announced downstairs that there was pizza, and we had three extra kids come up, not including Bobby, Shannon, Aylsa, Cody, JC, Marshall, and my kids. The kids were like piranha with the pizza. I had to stop some kids from being pigs with the pizza. Hardly anyone ate spaghetti. And only one kid ate salad. That's it. I'm not ordering pizza for a while. On a happy note, one blond headed young girl that I didn't know thanked me for the food. She was the only one.

I cleaned up the kitchen because Garrett was in the bathroom forever. I was tired and trying hard not to be grumpy.

I forgot to mention that Rob got me a new hammock chair. Tom has to put it up. Here's a pic of what it looks like.

May 12, 2014


Slept in after the late night. I woke to a text from TJ saying Ben was at their house with Jake and Callie, and TJ and Ang were at the birthing center in Miami. Shortly after 10 AM TJ sent us pictures. Violet Mae was born at 10 AM, at 7 lbs, 10 oz. We did some chores to get the house back in order. Ben brought Jake and Callie over.  I made a salad to take to Sloppy's and we were off. 

The little ones were awesome at the show. It was crazy at times. I was whooped after the show. TJ and Ang were home about 10 pm with the baby. We stopped on our way home, at 11 pm, to see the baby. Jake wanted to stay home so we left him there. Callie was already asleep in the van, so we took her home with us.

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 11, 2014


We went to church. Then home. Nina's band had a gig at Sunset Pier. Tom, Charlie, and I went to Byron and Ida's house and went swimming. Hurried back home to get ready to go to Schooner Wharf. The band left at 4:30, but I stayed home an hour longer with Tommy and Charlie. We picked up TJ and dropped off a piece of ice cream cake to Kim.

I drove us to Schooner. It was a gorgeous night. I had an interesting talk with a waiter. The weather has been perfect lately, breezy. I planned on leaving early but stayed till the end. Drove home with TJ and dropped him off. Got home at 2 am. Garrett had stayed home and didn't do one thing he was supposed to do. He was supposed to chain up Tom's bike that he rode, do dishes, and mow grass. He wants to get a phone but acting like that won't get him one.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 10, 2014


I got my walk out of the way early. Then got Charlie up and ready to go to Key West. His fiddle group was playing on Duval at 11.  I ate oatmeal. Charlie rode in with Georgina. We stopped at The Sandal Store to exchange the sandals I bought Tom for his birthday. He wanted a smaller size.

After they played we went to Blue Heaven for breakfast, for my Mother's Day treat. There were lots of baby chicks under the tables today. You had to be careful to not step on them.

We went home. Some of the older kids had friends over. Today was a rare Saturday off. Usually we have 2 gigs on Saturdays. The big kids went to the park to help Luke make a video for school. 

Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie to buy ice cream cake ingredients. We hurried home to make the cake. Some of the boys went to the park to play hockey. I made spaghetti,  a salad, and steamed broccoli. 

Everyone came home. When Callie came in she saw Naomi's shoes and had to touch them. She loves shoes! All the Newton's were over, and Luke, Cody, and JC. We ate, then sang 'Happy Birthday' to Tom. The boys watched hockey and I practiced the flute in my room. I made all the younger kids go to bed. The big kids played video game hockey after midnight and were loud for a long time. I had a hard time falling asleep.

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 9, 2014


I slept too late to walk so went in the hottub again. I watered my plants, then went to Kim's studio. We got another wrap wound on the loom.

I stopped at Walgreens and bought new sunglasses because Tommy lost mine. Then I got Tom a birthday present. Came home. The house was miraculously cleaned up. I made a wrap. 

TJ dropped off the kids and the band went to their gig at Bistro. I listened to a lecture and took notes. Then did an omnibus class. I walked over to Bistro 31 to get Ariel. She was bored. The kids watched cartoons. 

The boys came home from their gig at 11:30 pm and started watching hockey. I went to bed. 

May 8, 2014


Ang had a doctor's appt in Miami today, so they dropped off the kids at 8:30. I started school, then Tommy had to go to his guitar lesson. I went and got groceries. Then got back to our school work. The kids left for youth group. I made vegan chili and cornbread. I was lucky to have leftover salad from yesterday so I didn't make a new salad. Rob came up and we took the little kids to the park. Tom and TJ went too.

Charlie was rotten. He was chasing Tommy around the park with a stick because Tommy  had Charlie's skateboard. Jake and Callie were going in different directions.

Went home. Cut up two watermelons. We started eating and all the big kids came home from youth group with a few friends. We ate up the chili and watermelon. I didn't realize I was feeding so many. The boys watched hockey.

Loaded the dishwasher. Exhausted and went to bed at 10.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7, 2014


We got home late last night and had to get the garbage out. Someone had piled garbage in front and on top of the empty cans. Grrr. So Garrett and I had to get the garbage into the cans or the garbage men wouldn't take it. We dragged it out to the road.

So I didn't set my alarm and didn't get up early enough to go walking. I went in the hot tub. I was about to make breakfast but the kids were arguing and I couldn't take it, so I ran away over to Kim's studio and helped her for 2 1/2 hours. Ang and Callie were there too. I also brought Garrett to help with Stevie.

When I got home, only Tommy and Charlie were there. Tom had Tommy do the dishes. I told them to start their history and I went downstairs and weeded my rock yard on the side of the house. The rocks look better without the weeds, but it's not pretty. I don't know what to do to make a rock yard pretty. :0(

We left for an unusual Wednesday night gig at Sloppy's. I listened to "The Giver" the whole way there.

After I ordered the kids food, I took a walk to Kilwin's and bought some chocolatey goodness. They have the best peanut butter cups and salted carmel fudge. I got Charlie a carmel Apple, and chocolate covered smores for the rest of the boys. I got some carmel and chocolate covered pretzels for Tom. I gave our waitress one of the two peanut butter cups. 

I crocheted during most of the show. I started the 6th and final block for the decorative pillow I'm making for my bed.

Finished listening to "The Giver" while we drove home. Ang has a doctor appt tomorrow so TJ will drop the kids off in the morning. I'm adding a picture of Callie last night when they got home from the gig. We wore her out. :0)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014


Did my devos and went walking. I started running again. I don't know why. This week I run for a minute and 30 seconds and walk the rest of the time. When I got back there was a message from Charlie's fiddle teacher. She had forgotten to tell me there was a group class and it was an hour earlier, and wondered if I could get Charlie there ASAP. So I did. 

I had the soup for breakfast that I made yesterday, with pita bread and peanut butter. (It was lunch time). I need to get groceries bad. No time. Then Tom and I went with Jim Stoneman to look at a house he's thinking of buying. Helena picked up Tommy for gym class. Charlie couldn't go because we needed him at our gig. Garrett couldn't go because he wasn't out of bed yet and I wanted him at the gig also, to help with Jake and Callie. Tommy didn't have to go to the gig because he had to work at church tonight.

Ed's gig last night- After they had broken everything down, and it was pretty late, there were no more boats to get them off the island with all Ed's stuff and the stage crew and their stuff. He thought they were going to have to spend the night (with no place to stay) but somehow they got a ride on a barge. Some of Ed's lighting stuff got wet.

So, at three we headed for Sunset Pier. It was fun. TJ, Ang, and kids drove separate. We sat up front. The weather was beautiful and there was a wonderful breeze. It was a good night. I loved being outside.

Packed it up and drove home. But first I went into CVS for some chocolatey carmel goodness. Got home at 11 PM.

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014


I got up at 8, had some quiet time, and went walking. I did not want to eat oatmeal but ate it anyway. I didn't want to do the dishes but did them anyway. I didn't really want to do school, but did it anyway.

School ended up being easier today because Ed needed Garrett's help at his lighting gig on Little Palm Island. So I couldn't do all the subjects we do together.  At 2:30 I started scrambling to make food to eat on the way to Sloppy's.  I made a salad and a hummus, cucumber, and tomato wrap. I also made some kale and veggie soup but decided to save that for tomorrow.

We were just a few blocks from Sloppy's when we saw a man get hit by a car. He walked right into the road without looking. Not at a crosswalk either. He got up and stumbled to the curb and sat down. There were plenty of people around  so we continued on to work.

We had a different show tonight, lots of special guests. Kim came for the first set. Nina's band played the second set, with Ben and Kurt, and Nina's dad sang with them on the last song.

When Ang was pregnant with Callie, she sang at Sloppy's the day before Callie was born, so we are hoping the same thing happens again. She is ready.

The last set the kids' friend, Cody, sang a song he wrote. Jake and Callie were super tonight. Callie fiddled and danced and stomped her foot kind of to the bear. Jake rocked all night. 

Tom went thru the McDonald's drive-thru on the way home and I just couldn't resist. I had a hot fudge Sunday. 

Ed and Garrett will get home later than us. Oh, the musician they are doing lights for is Dr. John. I didn't know who he was but googled him. Quite impressive.

I'm adding a pic of us walking to Duetto's for gelato and affagato. :0)