Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2024


I'm still enjoying the gorgeous weather. Had a slow morning, then moved into action about 11. Did school. Made bread. The kids went to youth group. Tom, Charlie, and I rode bikes over to church to see Ed give his sermonette :0) and listened to one song. Then Charlie and I went home. We played scrabble.

I did bookkeeping for 3 hours. Didn't really care about supper. Tom, Rob, and the younger boys went to the park for hockey. I was lucky for leftovers when they got back. I had leftover watermelon that I cut up, spaghetti, and salad. Rob brought some rotisserie chicken from Winn Dixie. I didn't have much of an appetite. That never happens to me. 

Tommy and Garrett did dishes. I had Garrett pick up all the shoes and put them on the shelves. 

We had lots of coordinating for Friday's happenings. 

I really tried to be in bed at 11 but there were too many things to do that had to be done. :0( 

Oh, and I'm seriously thinking about not sharing my bathroom. We only have two in the house, with 10 people. They are being such slobs. 

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