Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 2, 2014


I decided to go walking first today since it has been getting so hot out. It worked out great for walking but I never got to my devos. People started getting up too early. I went to Kim's and helped her get another wrap threaded. 

We did school. Charlie couldn't practice his fiddle because he broke a string. Grrr. I ordered more on Amazon but that will take a few days. The school year is almost over. But we will take 3 weeks off in June when we take our trip up the east coast, and then get back to school when we come back. I was hoping to not do school during the summer but it looks like we must. I thought of bringing books with us, but experience tells me will hardly do them and they will take up room in the van. On the bright side, I will get three weeks off too.

TJ dropped off the kids because he and Ang were going to the birthing center. She had contractions all night and morning. The band went to the Hurricane and I stayed home with the kids. I have not had an evening to myself since I don't know when. The evening to myself consisted of me, Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Jake, Callie, and Jonathan. So I guess it wasn't to myself, but I got to stay home and it wasn't a hockey night. So I didn't make supper, no salad, no tons of dishes. I shouldn't have, but we had pizza, subs, and Garrett got Chinese. 

We started to watch an Indiana Jones movie but had to turn it off. I didn't want Jake to have nightmares. We watched Rugrats instead. 

I cleaned off the kitchen island. The kids throw everything on it, and the living room and kitchen looked pretty good. I did some laundry. My plants got watered today too.

We went to bed after 11. Jake and Callie slept on a mattress next to Ed's bed in the computer nook. It's perfect for them, they can't fall off.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely flowers.It still is too cold for planting. I am excited for your trip.
