Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 12, 2014


Slept in after the late night. I woke to a text from TJ saying Ben was at their house with Jake and Callie, and TJ and Ang were at the birthing center in Miami. Shortly after 10 AM TJ sent us pictures. Violet Mae was born at 10 AM, at 7 lbs, 10 oz. We did some chores to get the house back in order. Ben brought Jake and Callie over.  I made a salad to take to Sloppy's and we were off. 

The little ones were awesome at the show. It was crazy at times. I was whooped after the show. TJ and Ang were home about 10 pm with the baby. We stopped on our way home, at 11 pm, to see the baby. Jake wanted to stay home so we left him there. Callie was already asleep in the van, so we took her home with us.

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