Monday, May 26, 2014

May 24, 2014


I went walking this morning. I had many things that needed to get done. The first one was groceries. Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie and were back home in an hour. I put the refrigerated stuff away and then Charlie and I went to Ida's house to go swimming. That was the second thing I wanted to do. After swimming we went back home.

 The band had a double header today, first Sunset Pier, then Schooner Wharf. I planned to go to Schooner later. But first, I went to Kim's studio to weave. That was the third thing to do. I was there two hours with Kim, Stevie, Ang, Callie, and Violet. Then I went back to our house, picked up Charlie, and headed to Schooner. I sat and knitted till around 10. TJ, Jake, Tommy, Charlie and I left early and went home. The band played till midnight.

I also spent some time this morning looking at some school stuff for Garrett for next year, 9th grade. 

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