Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014


The year is almost half over. Time is flying by. 

I woke early to go to Blue Heaven with TJ, Ang, and Nina. My job was to hold Violet while Ang sang. I was up to my old tricks, knitting while holding the baby. We had another gorgeous day for us landlovers. Breezy. Too breezy for the boaters. We still have low humidity and it is perfect. 

When the gig was over we found that someone had knocked the mirror off the driver's side of Tom's car. Grrrr. We were off to take care of an errand for Ang but had to change plans because we ran out of time. We had a 3:00 appt with the accountant and had to turn back. Traffic was horrible slow. Then the road was closed for roadwork. We made it just 10 minutes late. After the meeting, a few of the boys and Nina went to pick up Ethan from the airport.

We got home about 5:00. I made the salad and started supper. The boys went to hockey. Nina, Naomi, and I went to get instructions for house and dog sitting that Nina is going to do for some friends. After that we stopped at Winn Dixie for last minute supper fixings. 

Got home. Made spaghetti and cut up two watermelon. I also made teriyaki chick peas. When we were done eating I had Aaron wash dishes and Kurt dry them. They give me the most trouble right now, so I've decided to give them the most dishes. ( I used to do that with Ben). I had Garrett take the garbage out.

There was no hockey game on TV tonight so the boys played NHL 14. That was my chance to escape to the semi-quiet of my room. I don't think I was there 10 minutes ( I really wanted a few minutes to myself) when Tom came in and started where he left off last night, Tommy and Charlie-too much time on the iPads, etc. Ugh!! I knew if I said anything he would get mad, or his feelings hurt, or both, so I kept quiet. After a bit, I got up to get kids to bed. When I tried to get myself ready for bed I found that someone had peed all over my bathroom floor and the toilet. More grrrrrs from me, then I cleaned the bathroom. Then I nagged boys who were still playing NHL 14 to get to bed. Some of them are helping Tom with a roof tear-off in the morning. 

Now that everyone's in bed, it's finally my turn.

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