Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 10, 2014


I got my walk out of the way early. Then got Charlie up and ready to go to Key West. His fiddle group was playing on Duval at 11.  I ate oatmeal. Charlie rode in with Georgina. We stopped at The Sandal Store to exchange the sandals I bought Tom for his birthday. He wanted a smaller size.

After they played we went to Blue Heaven for breakfast, for my Mother's Day treat. There were lots of baby chicks under the tables today. You had to be careful to not step on them.

We went home. Some of the older kids had friends over. Today was a rare Saturday off. Usually we have 2 gigs on Saturdays. The big kids went to the park to help Luke make a video for school. 

Charlie and I went to Winn Dixie to buy ice cream cake ingredients. We hurried home to make the cake. Some of the boys went to the park to play hockey. I made spaghetti,  a salad, and steamed broccoli. 

Everyone came home. When Callie came in she saw Naomi's shoes and had to touch them. She loves shoes! All the Newton's were over, and Luke, Cody, and JC. We ate, then sang 'Happy Birthday' to Tom. The boys watched hockey and I practiced the flute in my room. I made all the younger kids go to bed. The big kids played video game hockey after midnight and were loud for a long time. I had a hard time falling asleep.

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