Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 21, 2014


I went walking and did school. Tommy and Charlie have been arguing/fighting all week and were rotten today. 

TJ dropped off Callie in the morning. He worked with Tom, along with Joe, Ben, Garrett, and Ethan, tearing off a roof. Callie wasn't her normal cheery self. She had been sick two nights ago and wasn't 100% yet.

School dragged on. Tommy went to his guitar lesson. He's been so lazy this week, and I'll say it again. the arguing with Charlie is driving me crazy. 

TJ and Ang stopped in to pick up Callie and stayed a little while. We got to pass the new baby.

Charlie and I didn't go to church for supper but went for Bible study. I just needed a little quiet time, and that's all I got, a little, 35 minutes, maybe.

After church we came home. I did laundry and went in the hot tub with Tom, then went to bed.

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