Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014


Instead of doing my devos first thing, I ended up in the kitchen looking at Garrett's school stuff for next year. I already skimmed thru it all once. Now I will look at one subject each day. I am planning how much needs to be done each day so that it will be done by the end of May 2015. Today I looked at his Bible class stuff.

Did my devos. No fiddle lesson today. Tommy got his history done before we left for PE but Garrett didn't get anything done. We will have to do school on Saturday.

Today was the last day of PE for this school year. We met at Sombrero Beach. The kids played volleyball. The kids love going, but it takes up a big chunk of our school day. I hope to start school at 10 AM next year, instead of 11. We would do school 10-3:30.

We got home at 3:45. Mo, my Tai Chi teacher, came over at 4 and we did Tai Chi here. Afterwards I started supper. I made the salad first. I was waiting for Winn Dixie to not be busy with the people who stop there on their way home from work.

Got my groceries and Rob and Anastasia got to our house just after me. The boys all went to play roller hockey at the park. Anastasia cut up 2 watermelons and played with Jake and Callie. Callie can say her (Anastasia's) name. I made mushroom burgers.

Everyone came back and we ate. Hardly anyone eats the salad. I wish we had a big table (for 20 people) that we could all sit at. I would serve the salad first so they would have to eat it before the rest of the food was put on the table. I would have to get rid of the living room furniture for the table to fit, but I'm willing.

Tom and I took Rob and Anastasia over to TJ's to see baby Violet. She's so cute! It was a fun visit. We got home just after 11 and I had to crack the whip again. "Kurt, put dishes away. Aaron, wash. Garrett, take the garbage out and get to bed. Tommy, Charlie, bed. And the rest of you, be quiet. School tomorrow." There were two friends over , plus Ethan.

I sorted and moved the laundry. I can't seem to get caught up lately. And I want to slow down. Tired of hurrying. I want to just sit out on the porch so time can move slowly. 

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