Monday, May 12, 2014

May 11, 2014


We went to church. Then home. Nina's band had a gig at Sunset Pier. Tom, Charlie, and I went to Byron and Ida's house and went swimming. Hurried back home to get ready to go to Schooner Wharf. The band left at 4:30, but I stayed home an hour longer with Tommy and Charlie. We picked up TJ and dropped off a piece of ice cream cake to Kim.

I drove us to Schooner. It was a gorgeous night. I had an interesting talk with a waiter. The weather has been perfect lately, breezy. I planned on leaving early but stayed till the end. Drove home with TJ and dropped him off. Got home at 2 am. Garrett had stayed home and didn't do one thing he was supposed to do. He was supposed to chain up Tom's bike that he rode, do dishes, and mow grass. He wants to get a phone but acting like that won't get him one.

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