Friday, October 31, 2014

October 31, 2014


I went walking. Nina, Ben, and TJ went to Blue Heaven. I did school. It was a drag today. They don't want to do school and it turns me into a nag. Grrrr.

At 5 we started to get ready to go trick-or-treating in Marathon. Sadly, I was not looking forward to it. Charlie couldn't find part of his costume and I just wanted to stay home. There were dishes to wash, laundry to fold, all the floors are dirty, my bathroom is dirty, and I haven't done any bookkeeping in months. :0(

Nina brought Ian and Ariel over and Tommy, Charlie, Garrett and I went with them to Marathon. TJ and family came too. We got there minutes before it got busy. The neighborhood behind the airport was mobbed. We met some other homeschoolers there and it turned out to be fun. We walked around for about an hour and headed back to the van.

We all headed to Tarpon Creek, where we met the band. They were ready to start their gig. Jake sang "Candy Kisses." Super cute. :0)

It was gorgeous out tonight.

Here's a pic from trick-or-treating. There was a big pot (cauldron) cooking bubbles. When the wind blew they blew all over and across the street. The kids loved it.

October 30, 2014

I went walking. Did school. Tommy went to a guitar lesson. Tom took Garrett to the dentist. The big kids spent the whole day getting ready for the youth group Halloween costume party. 

At 5 o'clock I went to Kim's. We split a sub. Then I finished winding her warp to dye and we worked on beaming on the new loom. I had to leave at 7. I stopped at Winn Dixie and then went home. 

Tom and Rob skated at the park and some of the kids went to the haunted house at the park. I stayed home and made supper: buckwheat noodles, Pad Thai veggies, salad, and grapes. 

The boys watched hockey and I was the first one to go to bed. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 29, 2014


We did school. I wanted to finish by 4:30 and then go to Kim's to help in the studio. I started winding yarn for a dyeing project we are getting ready to do. 

When I left there I stopped at home to get jeans and a long sleeved shirt for Tom, then Charlie and I went to church. The big kids had a vocal lesson in Key West, then they met us at church.

After church I took Charlie and TJ's kids to TJ's house. Violet cried the whole way in the truck and was fussy for about an hour once we got to their house. She made me stand  and hold her. Tom tried to meet us at TJ's, but his motorcycle
broke down on the way there and he had to fix it. 

Violet and Callie finally fell asleep. I did their dishes and picked up the kids room a little. Then they came home and Charlie and I went home. They live 3 miles away from us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 28, 2014


I woke up early and went walking. I bumped up my running 30 seconds. The house is pretty messy again. We really need to get back in the chore routine. 

TJ picked up Garrett to babysit Violet at the Blue Heaven gig. I did school with Tommy and Charlie. Rita's mom took Tommy, Charlie, Ian, and Ariel to gym class. Nina went with them. Tom and I went to a meeting at Habitat for Humanity. There is a house available and we are going to fill out the paperwork. Kim and Doug are applying too. 

I did dishes and made supper. There was leftover lasagna that I doctored up with more sauce, and iAds a pasta dish with a sauce made out of sweet potatoes. Oh, and a salad. I think I was the only one that ate salad. I wish we could sit around a table and eat together. Eating buffet style, Charlie ate crackers. I didn't even have crackers out. I'm getting tired of it. 

Charlie was upset because his iPad glitched and messed up a game he had been working on for a long time. Joe laughed at him and made him more upset. The older boys don't exercise too much compassion. As soon as I was done eating I left the mess and Charlie and I went to bed.

Monday, October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014


I wish Mondays could be our catch-up day, but we needed to just jump in on the new week. I sewed on Callie's dress while waiting for Tommy and Garrett to be ready for school. Joe folded laundry. :0)

We went to our gig at Sloppy's. I was able to knit a little and read a little. The little kids were good. I took Tommy, Charlie, and Jake to Duetto's. Ben goofed at the end of the night and told the crowd he hoped they had a great time tonight at Schooner Wharf. Whoops! :0/ Ouch!  

Tomorrow is a busy day. Just figured out the logistics. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 2014


I slept bad last night and got up to my alarm at 6. Got dressed for the race and started the dishes. I woke Nina up and we went over to church together. Nina came in first for her age group and I came in fourth in mine. It was a nice morning, sunny and  cool, which is about 80 in these parts. :0)

We both hurried home so we could shower and get back to church. The kids led worship this morning for two services so we went to both too. Afterwards, Nina's band hurried off to their gig at Sunset Pier, Charlie went to a friend's, and Kim came over to our house.

I cut out a dress for Callie and started sewing on it. Tom and Ed watched football. Go Bills! Ha! It doesn't matter to me at all. 

 Close to 5 we left for Schooner Wharf. We dropped off Garrett's friend, Jaden, on our way. Tommy stayed home so he could work at church tonight and Charlie was still at his friend's, so I didn't have to watch little kids at the gig. I just vedged for most of the evening. I found some maternity patterns for Kim and ordered them. Randy and Mikki came to Schooner with friends and stayed the whole show. TJ and I left about an hour before the end of the show.

When I got home I had Tommy put dishes away and Charlie straighten up the living room. I folded the towels
that were dumped on my bed and emptied the garbage that was overflowing. I started another load of wash and made some mac and cheese for the two boys. Garrett was already asleep. Got to bed at 12:30 AM.

October 25, 2014


I made my "to do" list and got moving. Made a grocery list and went to Winn Dixie. Did a little laundry and made two ice cream cakes and a triple batch of vegan lasagna. Then I made a chocolate cake for Tommy. I thought I was getting stuff done and would have some free time in the evening but no such luck.

The boys played at Sunset Pier, then had the evening off. I took Tommy and Charlie to Coco's, their favorite place to eat. I promised them days ago and we were never able to go. That was about 5 o'clock. The boys went to the rink. Kim ce over with Stevie. We hung out while I finished kitchen stuff. I threw together a salad that nobody touched. :0/. 

We ate and sang happy birthday to Nina, Ian, and Tommy, all late October birthdays. I left the kitchen a mess and went to bed. I had to set my alarm for 6 so I could do the 5K race at church tomorrow.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 24, 2014


Woke up and John brought us coffee on his porch. Here's the view.

We went out for breakfast and then went to pick up the new van. All was great for about 20 miles, then the engine light came back on so we turned around and went back. No Joann Fabrics for me. The place said they would deliver the van to the Keys. So Tom and I drove back to the Keys in our old 15 passenger. We were hurrying to get back for our church's Fall Festival, which our kids were a big part of.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23, 2014


Another gray, rainy day and it poured most of the day. I started school, but Garrett and Tommy were needed at church for Fall Festival preparations so I just did school with Charlie.

TJ dropped of Jake and Callie for a little while, then when he came back he gave a lesson from the computer. 

I found a bin of missing material for little girl dresses that I couldn't find. It was under my bed. The pattern I was going to make was in there too, a size 3, and Callie is now in a size 4. I went online and found the pattern in a size 5 and 6 and ordered both. I really want to sew lately. I have to finish the ruffle on my coverlet first. 

About 1 o'clock we had a call that our van was fixed, on the mainland about 6 hours away, so Tom and I left around 5:30 to go get it. We got to our friend, John's, house about 10:30 and we are spending the night here. We will have breakfast with John tomorrow and then get the van and drive back to the Keys. We might stop at a Joann's Fabric store. I know, not a big deal to most people, but we have to drive a long way to do that.

There is a beautiful, cool breeze. The windows are open. The palm fronds (is that how you spell it?) are rustling in the breeze; a gorgeous night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I've missed writing a few days. Time is flying.

On Monday I walked and did school. We had the day off from Sloppy Joes because of Fantasy Fest. The boys played hockey and we had leftover twice baked potatoes for supper.  Today was Tommy's birthday but we will have a party on Saturday.

Tuesday I went with TJ, Ang, and Nina to Blue Heaven and babysat Violet. Jake and Callie stayed at our house. It rained all day. 

It was a dark and gloomy day at Blue Heaven, but the music and food were great!

We spent Tuesday evening at home. It rained so there was no hockey. I cut out and sewed the running stitches for the ruffle of my coverlet. 

I ordered pizzas for supper. Just five of us were home and I read to Tommy and Charlie before bed.

I was all ready to walk this morning when it started to rain. I don't mind if it starts raining when I'm already out there, but when it's already raining, I don't want to go. So I didn't. I exercised in my bathroom. There's room enough for that. 

We did school. Doug brought Stevie over and we watched him for about two hours. I gathered and sewed on half the ruffle on the coverlet. There's a lot of gathering. 

We went to church and afterwards I took TJ's kids and Charlie over to TJ's house and watched them there. I'm sure that was way easier for TJ and Ang than me watching them at my house. 

When I got home I read to Tommy and Charlie. It was after 11 o'clock and went to bed. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 18, 2014


I had a good night's sleep and woke up at 8 AM. I spent my morning in quiet time and did not go walking. I woke the band and Tom for their gig at Sunset Pier. Tommy went with them. He has been helping with the sound lately. 

I did an Omnibus lesson and an algebra lesson with Garrett. I went grocery shopping next and made a stop at Walgreens. I had to use Kurt's car because Tom's wouldn't start. Well, it started but then cut off, 3 or 4 times, and the 'security' light was on. 

Came home. Squished most of the produce in the fridge. Then Charlie and I went to Kim's. I finished weaving the last piece of four on the loom and got to cut them off. Exciting. 

Charlie and I went home and then Nina drove us to Key West to our gig at Schooner Wharf. Gorgeous weather tonight. I'd love to sit out by the water. 

Tommy and I came home early with TJ. Charlie wanted to stay. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014


I got up at 7:50 AM. I was going to take Ed and Nina over to TJ's. Ed, Nina, TJ, and Ang were going to play at Blue Heaven and I was going to watch kids at TJ's, then bring them to my house. But Angelica was sick, so TJ decided to stay home and take care of her and the kids, so I stayed home too. 

I went walking. After I showered and ate, Tommy and Charlie went with me to the post office. I took care of some paper work, then took some stuff to Salvation Army. I was trying to get things done on my 'to do' list. Tommy and I did an Omnibus lesson. Garrett did a science test. He also did some yard work.

I ran out of energy. I laid down, but I never fall asleep. After an hour I got up and got ready to leave for our gig at Schooner Wharf. 

We had a comfortable night, cooler temps. I did some hand sewing and knitted while it was still light out. Tommy, Charlie, and I walked to Kilwin's. Duval was busy. The Goombay Festival is going on. I took a pic of our friend Darth Vador with Tommy and Charlie. The lighting wasn't good  but you can see him playing his banjo. Tip your Vador! 

TJ and I left with Tommy and Charlie a half hour before the band was done. Tomorrow Tom, Nina, and I were going to pick up the new van tomorrow on our way to a wedding near Orlando, but the van isn't ready so we decided not to go. It's a 7 hour drive there, the wedding at 2, and then 7 hours to drive back to Big Pine. We decided it was too much. Sad though. All of us wished we could go to Isaac's wedding. The band has two gigs tomorrow.

October 16, 2014


I went walking. It's finally cooled off a couple degrees, but it's still hot. I finally had time to see the latest embroidered dress together. It looks great! 

I practiced fiddle with Charlie but he was a punk so I finally practiced by myself. Garrett and Tommy did math. Tommy went to a guitar lesson. I didn't feel good all day again, but I made myself do things. I cut the material for the coverlet I'm making for my bed. I need to borrow an ironing board before I can go any further. I'm not looking forward to gathering the fabric for the ruffle around the edges, but I know it will look great when it's done.

I ran out of energy after the boys ran off for youth group. I didn't do much of anything. I was going to go to Kim's, but instead she picked me up and we went to the park so Stevie could play. Tom came home at 9. I didn't make supper so Tom and I went over to Springer's for supper. I was so tired, I could have just gone to bed. 

When we got home Ed and Nina were cooking, a stir-fry maybe, and I went straight to bed.

October 15, 2014


I packed lunch in a cooler and Tom drove the three youngest boys, Ian, Aaron, Ariel, and I to Jacob's Aquatic Park in Key Largo, two hours away. I didn't feel good all day, but I swam for a while, then sat in the shade and knitted. The band had meetings and then practiced back at church. 

When we got home I did dishes and showered before hurrying off to church. After church we brought Jake and Callie to our house so TJ and Ang could go to the young adult group. When TJ picked them up they didn't want to go home and put up a stink. We decided that I would watch them Wednesday nights at their house, and get them to bed. Then it won't be such a hard night for TJ and Ang.

I read to Charlie and went to bed. The older boys watched hockey and were very loud. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 14, 2014


I went with TJ and Ang again to Blue Heaven, to babysit Violet at their gig. I like it because I get to hang out and do nothing. Violet was a little fussy and made me stand a lot, but we roamed around a little. I enjoy the plants and foliage at Blue Heaven. 

We were all beat when we got home. Some of the kids did chores while I was gone, but I couldn't tell. Nina had taken Charlie and Ariel to their fiddle lessons. She was going to take all the kids to gym class in Marathon but the teacher was sick and it was cancelled. Tom took Garrett up there anyway because he was going to sleep at a friends, and he needed to pick up something from the accountant's. 

I rested for a little bit in my room, then started in on the kitchen, cleared the table, cleared a path, and did the dishes. The boys headed to the park for hockey and I headed to Winn Dixie. I got back at 8:30. Poor me had to carry the groceries up the stairs. :0( do you feel sorry for me? There was lots. I put out grapes, a salad, and roasted sweet potatoes and carrots. I was going to make soup but it was too late and I lost all my steam. So when Joe came back from the park I sent him and Rita back to Winn Dixie to buy a few (5) subs. 

We ate and watched hockey. I didn't last long and went to bed. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014


I went walking. :0)

I scheduled this week off school, but since the boys are a little behind we are doing a little bit. So we are getting a break;  we are not pushing so hard. 

I did an Omnibus lesson. 

Ed and I started a 15 day juice reboot today. The first five days we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all produce, and have juice in between. We had baked carrots and sweet potatoes with a kale and red cabbage salad for lunch, then had it again for dinner. Ed is in charge of the juicer. We will see how it goes. 

I started planning the coverlet for my bed, just measuring and drawing. Tom took Garrett to a dentist appt. He bought me 3 new pillows for our bed. 

Garrett mowed the yard and weed whacked. I packed food and juice for Ed and I at Sloppy's. We loaded everyone in the van and left about 3:45. 

Sloppy's was fine. The little kids were great. Nina did a new song, an Elton John tune, for the first time. 

I'm going to Blue Heaven again in the morning to watch Violet. I'm going straight to bed when we get home.

Doug Y. drove  past our old house in Springville and sent me a pic. Looks like a lovely day there. 

October 12, 2014


We went to church this morning, then Tom and I took Jake, Callie, Tommy, and Charlie to Ida and Byron's house to go swimming. Of course, we had a great time. 

We came home and ate leftovers for supper. Tom and I went to church again and took the littles. When we got home , Nina took the littles to the park and the big boys played hockey. 

Kim and Angelica entered a baby wrap competition and today found out the winners. They didn't win, but it was so fun looking at all the wraps. There were 51 entered. I'm putting up the pics they entered. 

When they came back from the park we had leftover salad.  I read to Charlie while the boys watched hockey. And there you have it.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014


I did it all today. Well, almost. I didn't do bookkeepimg or go swimming.

I went walkmg. The band went to Sunset Pier. I did an algebra lesson with Garrett. Then we did an English test and a history test. Tommy went to the gig with the band. I watered my plants and made soup for lunch. I paid bills and made supper. I did two Omnibus lessons. Tommy is a few lessons ahead of me. We are reading The Odyssey. I also outlined 1/4 of the next chapter of Garrett's history, and I read to Charlie before bed.

The boys played hockey. Then watched hockey. The kitchen is TRASHED! 

While reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to Charlie it made me sad. I miss our farmhouse in Springville. I miss fall. I miss bushels of apples and baking. I miss making relish and tomato sauce. I miss wet leaves and mud. I miss winter. I miss snowmobile trails and cold noses and icy wind blowing right through me. I miss snow storms and white outs. I miss the 219. I miss our pond and the goats. I don't miss no where to put all the coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens. Or the wet trail coming in the door through the kitchen. Fireplaces.


October 10, 2014


I can't remember if I walked or not, but I think I did. Does that count?

I know that I did school all day. We are moving right along. This was our 9th week of school. I scheduled to take next week off. The boys are a week behind in their math and science so we will probably do some on my week off. :0/ I plan to make a coverlet for my bed too.

So, TJ dropped off the kids for Ed and Joe to watch. Tom and I went with TJ, Ang, and Nina to their gig at Hogfish. Benet us there, too, after his dentist appointment. Tom and I babysat Violet at the gig. Tom held her most of the time. :0) It was a nice night out, a little cooler , and the food was lush.

I wanted to go straight to bed, but things were pretty messy, so I got my second wind and ordered a few people around. We got the kitchen and living room in shape. Garrett got the garbage out. That will make Saturday morning easier.

Friday, October 10, 2014

October 9, 2014


It still feels like August to me. Does that mean I'm two months behind? Kind of.

I went walking this morning. Tom drove the new van to Miami to get something checked out. A light was coming on and there's a 30 day warrenty so he wanted it checked out. The dealer in Miami wanted too much money so Tom had to drive further up the coast to the place he bought it from. He ended up leaving it there and they gave him our old 15 passenger as a loaner for him to drive home. It was a 6 hour drive there and 6 hours drive back. Tom is a bit frustrated but oh well. 

We did school till 4:30. Charlie went to Shannon's. The rest of the kids went to youth group. I finished another outline for Garrett, then picked up a pizza and went to Kim's. She wove and I threaded. We moved the Looms around and made a corner for Stevie's toys and the warping mill.

I made myself get groceries on the way home. That was a drag but I am glad it's done. I ran into TJ and then Ed, Nina, and Ben in the grocery store. Small town. :0)

I got home at 9:30 and put groceries away while the boys watched hockey and were very loud. I really wanted to get to bed at 10 but that didn't happen. It was crazy.

I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014


I overslept this morning and did not go walking. We started school at 10:30 and worked at it till 5. It's going pretty good. I just wish the boys would not waste time. So far Algebra with Garrett is still fun, and Physical Science is interesting. I never liked science. 

Anyway, at 5 o'clock I made potato corn chowder with coconut milk and leftover TVP that I added Italian Sausage spices to. I guess everyone liked it because when I got home from church later, it was all gone.

We went to church at 6. I brought TJ's kids home with me afterwards. TJ and Ang went to a young adults group at church. I made up a schedule for myself. Trying to see what's most important and what needs to go. I can't find a good time to get groceries and I really don't like going 3 times a week. Also, I am way way way behind on my bookkeeping. There's been no time for that either. It needs to be scheduled in. 

Violet got fussy after an hour. Callie fell asleep on the couch just before TJ and and Angelica got here to pick them up. I worked on my schedule a little more. I read a book called "Take Your Time." That is what I'm using. 

The big kids watched a hockey game. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Here's some better pics from the birthday party last night. The pics I took weren't very good.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 7, 2014

I got up just before 8 and readied myself to babysit Violet at TJ and Angelica's gig at Blue Heaven. They picked me up at 8:30 and dropped Jake and Callie off. Nina took Charlie and Ariel to their fiddle lessons. Then she took the kids to gym class in Marathon. I enjoyed holding Violet and relaxing at Blue Heaven.

When we got home (at 4 PM) Ida's a grocery list, then headed off to Winn Dixie. Most of the kids went to Key west for vocal lessons.  In less than an hour I was back home. I made a giant cheesecake for Charlie, a colorful cake for Ariel, frosting, spaghetti, salad, broccoli, and grapes.

The boys played hockey. TJ and family came over. Bobby came by after work too. Rob was here. We had a full house for Charlie and Ariel's birthday party. It was very loud. 

The party is over now and the dishes are done. I need a day off now. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014


I went walking. After I showered I hurried to Winn Dixie to buy some birthday treats for Charlie, bacon and boxed cereal. That's what he wanted. We will have a party for him and Ariel Tuesday night. I also bought veggies for Ed's juicer. 

 I did school till 2:30 when I stopped to make and pack lunch. The band practiced at church. We left at 3:30 for Sloppy Joes. It's nice riding in the new van. I'll have to take a pic of it. It's black and Tom's going to paint the trailer black.

Had a good night at Sloppy's. Took the kids to Duetto's. I didn't do any embroidery but finished reading a book, Tell Your Time. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 4, 2014


I went walking. The band went to Sunset Pier but Nina had the morning and afternoon off. I did an Algebra lesson with Garrett. I made yogurt and practiced fiddle with Charlie. Then I folded tons of laundry. All of it. I was all caught up. 

The band came back and had two hours to rest up before leaving for their late night gig at The Hurricane. Garrett went to work at church. After the band left I outlined more of Garrett's history book. I finished half the chapter and then TJ picked me up to go to the Hurricane. We got there just before 9 and stayed till 11:30, when TJ, the little boys and I went home.

On the way home there was a guy walking on the seven mile bridge. He was leaning out towards us and scared us. We didn't see him till the last second.  It was so dark and starting to rain. I'm guessing he was hitch hiking. Tom said he was still walking on the bridge when they came home a few hours later

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 2, 2014


We all slept in after our late night gig at Schooner. I did school.  In the evening I watched Jake, Callie, and Violet while TJ and Angelica went with the youth group to play ultimate frisbee at the park. Charlie went to Shannon's and all the other boys went to the park. Tom and Rob skated.  

I didn't make any supper. After TJ picked up the kids Tom and I went to Boondock's for supper. It was 9:30. I didn't think they would still be serving dinner but they were. I was sooo hungry. 

When we were about to leave Tom got a phone call and handed it to me to answer. It was not a nice call. Ben had gone to pick up Charlie but he didn't have his phone. He waited outside, but couldn't go in. They have a fence and dogs, so he revved his motorcycle to let them know he was there. So this guy called Tom to rant and rave about how dumb Ben is. I told him, yes, that was dumb, and that I wouldn't send Ben to get him anymore, and that it wouldn't happen again, and that I was sorry. 

I almost sent Ben a text scolding him, but didn't. I knew that Ben hadn't wanted to get him in the first place, and I was grateful that Ben picked him up for me, so Tom and I could go on a date. So I let it go.  When we got home, Ben told us what happened. I had thought the guy was just complaining to me, but he had run out of his house at Ben and cussed him out too. It was 10 PM. Disappointed but glad it didn't get any uglier. It almost ruined my night, but let that go too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014


I slept a little late today. I had bananas that needed to be made into muffins this morning or they would end up in the trash, so I made them instead of going walking.  I did school and laundry. 

Tom had an early dentist appointment. He was home for a little bit, then drove back to Key West with Tommy for his appointment. I took a little break, then did schoole with Charlie. 

We had a gig at Schooner tonight. I made mint chocolate chip spinach smoothies for Ed and I before we left. Something was wrong with Ed's mandolin so he took it to Dean's before we left. Then we had to meet Ed and TJ at Walgreens and pick them up. I guess Dean fixed it because Ed played it tonight. 

Tom and I took a walk to Kilwin's. I bought a carmel apple for Charlie and a peanut butter cup for me. We saw our favorite banjo playing Darth Vador on Duval St. He's so cool. :0) Tip your Vador! 

Nina's dad sang with her tonight. He brings a little magic to the stage. Fun! :0)